Sabtu, 09 Mei 2020

V-(으)려면 grammar = if you want/ intend to…then you should…

L1.55 V-()려면 grammar = if you want/ intend to…then you should…

- It is the shortened form of  V-()려고 하면, which is used to express a plan or intention to do something in the 1st clause and the condition to fulfill the plan or intention in the 2nd clause = if you want/ intend to… then you should...
- The 2nd clause is often ended in suggestive forms such as V-/어야 해요, V-() 돼요, V-()세요, / 필요해요, and - 좋아요.

Verb ending in vowel or + 려면:
가다 가려면 (if you want to go...)
만나다 만나려면 (if you want to go...)
공부하다 공부하려면 (if you want to study...)
*살다 살려면 (if you want to live...)
*놀다 놀려면 (if you want to play...)

Verb ending in consonant + 으려면:
먹다 먹으려면 (if you intend to eat...)
받다 받으려면 (if you intend to receive...)
*듣다 들으려면 (if you intend to listen...)
*돕다 도우려면 (if you want to help...)
*낫다 나으려면 (if you want to recover...)

1. 피아노를 잘하려면 연습을 많이 해야 해요.
If you want to play piano well, you have to practice a lot.

2. 빨리 부산에 가려면 KTX 타세요.
If you want to go to Busan quickly, then take the KTX.

3. 우리 어머님을 만나려면 주말에 우리 집에 가세요.
If you want to meet my mother, then come to my home on weekend.

4. 감기가 걸리지 않으려면 코트를 입으세요.
If you don’t want to get a cold, then please wear a coat.

5. 식당에서 식사하시려면 예약을 하셔야 합니다.
If you intend to have a meal in this restaurant, you have to book in advance.

6. 한국말을 잘하고 싶어요.
- 한국말을 잘하려면 매일 한국말로만 이야기하세요.
I want to speak Korean well.
- If you want to speak Korean well, then only speak Korean every day.

7. 시간표를 자주 잊어버려요.
- 잊어버리지 않으려면 메모를 쓰세요.
I often forget my schedule.
- If you don’t want to forget your schedule, try to write a memo.

8. 돈을 벌려면 일을 해야 합니다.
If you want to earn money, you have to work.

9. 한국말을 하려면 어떻게 해야 할까요?
What should I do to speak good Korean?

10. 한국말을 배우려면 한글부터 배워야 합니다.
If you intend to learn Korean, you have to learn Hangul first.

11. 살을 빼려면 운동을 열심히 해야 돼요.
If you intend to lose weight, you have to work out hard.

12. 통장을 만들려면 신분증이 필요해요.
If you intend to open a bank account, you need your ID card.           


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