Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

L2G18 V-(으)ㄹ까 하다 grammar = I am thinking of/ planning to ~give vague intention or uncertain plan

L2G18 V-(으)ㄹ까 하다 grammar = I am thinking of/ planning to ~give vague intention or uncertain plan

Usage :
    - Indicate the speaker’s vague intention or uncertain plan that could still change.
- 과거 : -(으)ㄹ까 했다
- 현재 : -(으)ㄹ까 하다

Examples :
1. 안나 씨, 주말에 뭐 할 거예요?
    - 그동안 여유가 없어서 전혀 못 놀았는데 주말에는 게임을 하면서 좀 놀까 해요.
Anna, what will you do in weekend?
    - I haven't had time to have fun lately, so I am thinking of playing games.
2. 저녁에 뭘 할 거예요?
    - 친구들과 같이 술을 마실까 해요. 밍 씨도 같이 마실래요?
What are you going to do at dinner?
    - I am going to drink with friends. Do you want to drink with us, Minh?

3. 다음 달부터 요가를 배울까 해요.
I am thinking of learning yoga from the next month.

4. 오랜만에 해수욕장에 갈까 하는데 같이 갈래요?
I am thinking of going to the beach since a long time, would you like to go with me?

5. 회사를 옮길까 했는데 월급이 올라서 그냥 다니기로 했어요.
I am thinking about changing jobs, but I got a salary raise, so I decided to stay.

6. 지난 방학에 고향에 못 가서 이번 방학에 고향에 갈까 해요.
Last vacation I couldn't go back my hometown, so this vacation I am thinking of going back my hometown.

7. 주말에 뭘 할 거예요?
    - 이사를 해야 해서 방을 찾아볼까 해요.
What will you do in the weekend?
    - I have to move, so I am thinking of searching for rooms.
8. 신혼여행을 어디로 갈 거예요?
    - 아직 잘 모르겠지만 유럽로 갈까 해요.
Where will you go for honeymoon?
    - I haven't known yet, but I am thinking of going to  Europe.

9. 서울에서 부산까지 무궁화 열차로 타면 시간이 많이 걸려요. 그래서 KTX를 탈까 해요.
It takes a lot of time to go from Seoul to Busan by Mugunghwa train. So I am thinking of boarding the KTX. (High speed train)

10. 내일 쇼핑할까 해요.
I am thinking about shopping tomorrow.

Specific usage:
1. This expression can’t be used with interrogative, imperative, proposition sentences or future tense.
E.g. 다음 달부터 수영을 할까 해요?/ 할까 합시다./ 할까 하세요./ 할까 할 거예요. (Wrong)

2. The negative form of the expression: 안 -(으)ㄹ까 하다 or  -지 말까 하다. But not 못 -(으)ㄹ까 하다.
E.g. 점심에는 학생 식당에서 밥을 먹지 말까해요.

Comparison between -(으)ㄹ 거예요, -(으)려고 하다, and -(으)ㄹ까 하다.
1. -(으)ㄹ 거예요 =  I will … (refers to a virtual definite plan.)
2. -(으)려고 하다 = I am planning... (refers to a concrete plan.)
3. -(으)ㄹ까 하다 = I am thinking of … (refers to an uncertain plan that can be change.)


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