Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

L2G14 V-는 바람에 grammar = …as a result ~give an unexpected reason for a negative consequence

L2G14 V-는 바람에 grammar = … as a result  ~give an unexpected reason for a negative consequence.

- Express an unexpected/unintended reason/cause (1st clause) that negatively influences the consequence (2nd clause)
Verb :
- V-는 바람에

Examples :

1. 앤디 씨가 병원에 입원했다면서요?
    - 네, 교통사고가 나는 바람에 다쳐서 병원에 입원했대요.
I hear that Andy is in the hospital.
    - Yes, he got injured in a traffic accident and went to the hospital (as a result).

2. 그 선수가 금메달을 딸 줄 알았는데 왜 못 땄지요?
    - 경기를 하다가 넘어지는 바람에 금메달을 못 땄어요.
I thought that athlete would win the gold medal. I wonder why he didn't.
    - He got a fall during the match, so he didn't get the gold medal (as a result)

3. 휴대폰이 갑자기 고장 나는 바람에 연락을 못했어요.
My mobile suddenly got broken, so I couldn't contact you (as a result ).

4. 태풍이 오는 바람에 비행기가 취소됐어요.
There was a typhoon, so the flight was cancelled (as a result).

5. 길이 막히는 바람에 늦었어요.
The road got jammed, so I got late (as a result).

6. 친구가 갑자기 찾아오는 바람에 파티에 못 갔어요.
My friend suddenly visited, so I couldn't go the party (as a result).

7. 가방을 어떻게 하다가 잃어버렸어요?
    - 지하철에서 조는 바람에 가방을 놓고 내렸어요.
How come you lost your bag like that?
    - I got slept in the subway, so I put it there and got off (as a result).

8. 숙제하다가 잠을 드는 바람에 숙제를 못 했어요.
I got slept while doing homework, so I couldn't finish it.

9. 급한 일이 생기는 바람에 세미나에 참석할 수 없었어요.
I got an urgent work to do, so I couldn't attend the seminar (as a result).

10. 회의가 늦게 끝나는 바람에 많이 늦었어요.
Because of the meeting finishing late, I came very late.

Specific usage :

1. Only verb can be precede -는 바람에

E.g. 날씨가 갑자기 추워진 바람에  감기가 걸렸어요. (not 추운 바람에).

2. The 2nd clause must end in past tense

E.g. 날씨가 갑자기 추워진 바람에  감기가 걸렸어요. (not 걸러요.)

3. Imperative and proposition form can’t be used (since only past tense form can follow -는 바람에).

E.g. 신용카드를 잃어버리는 바람에 은행에 갔어요. (not 가십시오/ 갈까요?)


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