Selasa, 29 Desember 2015

Lv3 U01 I didn't know that the vacation ends so soon| V는 줄 몰랐다, N인지 몰랐다, N를 빼다, 사정이 있다 grammar


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1과 방학이 이렇게 빨리 끝날 줄 몰랐어요.

가... 오래간만이에요, 마이클 씨. 방학 동안 어떻게 지냈어요?
나... 여행을 좀 갔다 왔어요. 그런데 방학이 너무 짧은 것 같아요.
가... 그래요. 방학이 이렇게 빨리 끝날 줄 몰랐어요. 방학 동안에 하고 싶은 게 많았는데...
나... 참, 2급반 친구들은 모두 3급반으로 올라갔나요?
가... 앙리 씨만 빼고 모두 진급했어요.
나... 앙리 씨는 어떻게 됐네요?
가... 사정이 있어서 파리로 돌아갔다고 해요.

<<Check back lesson Lv2 U15 and Lv2 U22 for 나요? and 네요? ending>>


참 = Oh! Right!
빼다 = to take out, leave out, exclude
진급(하다) = promotion; to be promoted, to move up to the next grade
사정 = special reason
편리하다 = convenient
똑똑하다 = clever, smart
오랜만에 = after a long time
고추장 = hot pepper paste
갑자기 = suddenly
귀국(하다) = to return (to one's country)
전공 = major (of study), specialty
경제학 = economics
경영학 = business administration
정문 = front (main) gate
본문 = main text
국적 = nationality
직업 = occupation, job
앞으로 = in the future

To memorize the new vocabulary the most effectively, KL highly recommends you to use the Memrise tool for level 3. You can also study the vocabulary on your smart phone (Android or iPhone) too.

Grammars and expressions:
1. A/V-(으)ㄴ/는/(으)ㄹ 줄 몰랐다 [알았다] :  I didn't realize_____. [I thought ______].

줄 Refers to a certain situation or fact. Although the "몰랐다" refers directly to " I didn't know," it can also be accurately translated as "I was unaware (that) ~" or "I was uncertain (that) ~"

-(으)ㄴ 줄 몰랐다 - to not know something or someone was/did
-는 줄 몰랐다 - to not know something or so is/does
-(으)ㄹ 몰랐다 - to not know something or so will/would 

너 벌써 결혼한 줄 몰랐어.
I didn't know you were married already!

우리가 다시 만날 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't know we will meet again.

한국말이 이렇게 어려운 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't know Korean is this difficult.

니가 이 동네에 살고 있는 줄 몰랐네.
I didn't know you are living in this neighborhood.

날씨가 이렇게 더울 줄 몰랐어.
I didn't know it will be this hot

Visit WIKI Page for more details & examples.

2. N인지 몰랐다 [알았다] :  I didn't realize he/it was ___.[I thought he/it was ____ ].

그 사람이 여자인지 몰랐어.
I didn't know the person was a girl.

오늘이 일요일인지 몰랐어.
I didn't know that today is Sunday.

저 사람이 니 남자친구인지 몰랐어.
I didn't know that person is your boyfriend.

Visit WIKI Page for more details & examples.

3. 사정이 있다 :  for personal reasons

저는 사정이 있어서 먼저 가겠어요.
I have a special reason/circumstance, so I will go first.

사정이 있는 학생은 선생님께 말씀 드리고 일찍 가도 괜찮아요.
Student who has a special reason can go early if he tells the teacher.

지영 씨는 사정이 있어서 갑자기 귀국했어요
Since ChiYeong had a special reason, she returned her country.

4. 참 : suddenly, really, oh

참, 오늘이 철수 생일이지!
Oh, Today is ChulSoo's birthday!

참, 친구한테 전화를 걸어야 하는데 잊어 버렸군요.
Oh, I must call my friend, but I forgot.

Visit WIKI Page for more details & examples.

5: N을/를 빼다 :  exclude, without ______(N).

고추장을 빼고 주세요. 매운 것을 잘 못 먹으니까요.
Please exclude 고추장 (hot pepper sauce) since I can't eat the spicy food.

이번 일에서는 저를 좀 빼 주세요. 바쁜 일이 많아서 그래요.
Please exclude me from this work since I am very busy.


Lesson 1: I didn't know that the vacation ends so soon

가... Hi Michael, It's been a long time. How was your vacation?
나... I went for traveling and came back. But it seems the vacation is too short.
가... Right. I didn't know that the vacation ends so soon. I wanted to do many things during vacation but...
나... Oh, did all our level 2 class friends move up to the 3rd level?
가... Excluding Henry, we all moved up.
나... How come to Henry?
가... Because of personal reasons, he told me he returned Pari.

1과 방학이 이렇게 빨리 끝날 줄 몰랐어요.

가... 오래간만이에요, 마이클 씨. 방학 동안 어떻게 지냈어요?
나... 여행을 좀 갔다 왔어요. 그런데 방학이 너무 짧은 것 같아요.
가... 그래요. 방학이 이렇게 빨리 끝날 줄 몰랐어요. 방학 동안에 하고 싶은 게 많았는데...
나... 참, 2급반 친구들은 모두 3급반으로 올라갔나요?
가... 앙리 씨만 빼고 모두 진급했어요.
나... 앙리 씨는 어떻게 됐네요?
가... 사정이 있어서 파리로 돌아갔다고 해요. 


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