Senin, 08 Maret 2021

N(이)네요, A/V-네요 grammar = really, certainly, wow ~ express surprise or agree with someone

N(이)네요, A/V-네요 grammar = really, certainly, wow ~ express surprise or agree with someone

- (1) express surprise upon learning something through direct experience, not  hearing from someone = really, certainly, wow
- (2) agree with someone (when experiencing the same thing) = really


1. A/V + 네요
가다 --> 가네요  
가깝다 --> 가깝네요
주다 --> 주네요   
춥다  --> 춥네요
친절하다 --> 친절하네요,
듣다 --> 듣네요
마시다 --> 마시네요, 
예쁘다 --> 예쁘네요 
*멀다 --> 머네요
*살다 --> 사네요

2. N + (이)네요
학생 --> 학생이네요
의사 --> 의사(이)네요

1. 벌써 여름이네요.
Wow, it's already summer.

2. 가족이 너무 크네요.
Your family is really big.

3. 글씨를 잘 쓰네요.
You really have good handwriting.

4. 책을 많이 읽었네요.
You really read a lot of books.

5. 한국말을 정말 잘하시네요.
- 아니에요. 더 많이 공부해야 해요.
You really do speak Korean well.
- Not really. I have to study a lot more.

6. 오늘 날씨가 덥지요?
- 네, 정말 덥네요.
Isn't it hot today?
- Yes, it is really hot.

7. 제 선물이에요. 빨리 열어 보세요.
- 와, 정말 좋은 책이네요. 고마워요. 잘 읽을게요.
It's my present for you. Go ahead and open it.
- Wow, It's a really good book. Thank you. I will read it well.

8. 우리 딸이 그린 그림인데 어때요?
- 정말 잘 그렸네요. 언제부터 그림을 배웠어요?
What do you think of my daughter's painting?
- Wow, she really painted well. When did she start learning to paint?

9. 하늘 좀 보세요. 정말 아름다워요.
- 네, 하늘이 정말 아름답네요.
Look at the sky. It's so beautiful.
- Yes, it is really beautiful.

10. 한국 음식을 잘 드시네요.
- 네, 한국 음식이 아주 맛있어요.
You eat Korean foods really well.
- Yes, Korea food is so delicious.


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