Minggu, 12 April 2020

V-(으)려고 grammar = in order to, so that ~express intention or purpose to do something

L1.50 V-(으)려고 grammar = in order to, so that ~express intention or purpose to do something 

- V-(으)려고 = express speaker’s intention or purpose to do something = in order to, so that
- V-(으)려고 하다 = express subject’s intention or plan that has yet to be done = plan to, intend to (see the next V-(으)려고 하다 grammar

Word ending in a vowel or ㄹ + -려고: 
사다 → 사려고 
배우다 → 배우려고 
보다 → 보려고 
*놀다 → 놀려고 
*살다 → 살려고 

Word ending in a consonant + -으려고: 
먹다 → 먹으려고 
찾다 → 찾으려고 
*듣다 → 들으려고 
*짓다 → 지으려고 
*돕다 → 도우려고 

1. 살을 빼려고 매일 세 시간씩 운동해요. 
I exercise 3 hours a day in order to lose weight. 

2. 아내에게 주려고 선물을 샀어요. 
I bought a present to give to my wife 

3. 잠을 자지 않으려고 커피를 5잔이나 마셨어요. 
In order to not fall asleep, I drank 5 cups of coffee. 

4. 한국 대학교에 입학려고 한국말을 배워요. 
I am learning Korean in order to enter a Korean university. 

5. 자려고 누웠는데 잠이 안 와요. 
- 그러면 따뜻한 우유를 한 잔 마셔 보세요. 
I have lain down in bed to sleep, but I can’t sleep. 
- Then, try drinking some warm milk.

6. 마이 씨, 요즘 학원에 다녀요? 
- 네, 피아노를 배우려고 학원에 다니고 있어요. 
Mai, are you attending an academy these days? 
- Yes, I go to an academy to learn piano. 

Differences between V-(으)러 and V-(으)려고 grammars: 

- Followed by movement verbs, such as 가다, 오다, 다니다, 나가다. 
- Used with present, past, and future tense. 
- V-(으)ㅂ시다 and V-(으)세요 can be used in combination with this expression. 

친구를 만나러 커피숍에 가요/갔어요/갈 거예요. 
I go/went/will go to the coffee shop to meet my friend. 

밥을 먹으러 식당에 갑시다/가세요. 
Let’s/Please go to the restaurant to have a meal. 

2. V-(으)려고 grammar: 
- Used with all verbs 
- Used with present and past tense. 
- Not used in combination with V-(으)ㅂ시다 and V-(으)세요. 

친구를 만나려고 커피숍에 가요/갔어요. 
I go/went to the coffee shop to meet my friend. 

친구를 만나려고 커피숍에서 기다려요/기다렸어요. 
I am/was waiting my friend in the coffee shop.


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