Senin, 30 Maret 2020

V-아/어 가지고 grammar = and (then) ~express time order of 2 actions

L2.51 V-아/어 가지고 grammar = and (then) ~express time order of 2 actions or more

- Indicate time order of 2 actions that the 1st action must be complete in order to do the 2nd action = and then
- V-아/어 가지고 can be shortened to -아/어 갖고 and is often used in speaking
V-아/어 가지고 is similar to the V-고서 grammar.
- The expression can be used with adjectives to indicate the speaker’s reason for doing action. (example 9)
The expression can be replaced with -아/어서 to indicate the order of actions. (example 10)
- The expression can’t be preceding by past tense -았/었 and future tense -겠-. (example 11)

Verb  + -아/어 가지고:
모으다 -- 모아 가지고 (save and ...)
만들다 -- 만들어 가지고 (make and...)
만나다 -- 만나 가지고 (meet and...)
졸업하다 -- 졸업해 가지고 (graduate and...)
뺄래하다 -- 빨래해 가지고 (wash clothes and ...)

1. 이 채소는 어떻게 할까요?
- 먼저 다듬어 가지고 냉장고에 넣어 주세요. 샐러드는 조금 후에 만들 거예요.
What should we do with the vegetables?
- First tidy them up and put them in the fridge. We will make salad a bit later.

2. 앤디 씨, 지금 뭐 해요?
- 빨래를 해 가지고 널고 있어요.
Andy, what are you doing now?
- I washed my clothes and am hanging them now.

3. 돈을 빨리 모아 가지고 자동차를 사고 싶어요.
I want to save money quickly and then buy a car.

4. 등산갈 때 김밥을 만들어 가지고 갈게요.
When going hiking, I will make some gimbap and take long with us.

5. 할아버지께서 손자들을 불러 가지고 용든을 주셨어요.
Grandpa called his grandsons and then gave them some spending money.

6. 빨리 졸업해 가지고 취직하고 싶어요.
I want to graduate quickly and then find a job.

7. 날씨가 좋을 때 밖에 항상 나가 가지고 그림을 해요.
When the weather is nice, I usually go out and draw some pictures.

8. 선물을 포장해 가지고 소포를 보냅시다.
Let’s wrap this present and then send the package.

9. 스마트폰을 사고 싶은데 비싸 가지고 못 사겠어요.
I want to buy a smartphone, but they’re expensive, I can’t buy it.

10. 친구에게 책을 빌려서/ 빌려 가지고 읽었어요.
I borrowed a book from my friend and read it.

11. 친구를 만났 가지고 커피를 마셨어요. (wrong)/ 친구를 만나 가지고 커피를 마셨어요. (correct)
I met my friend and had some coffee.


Selasa, 24 Maret 2020

V-아/어다가 grammar = and then ~action is done based on the previous one or activity that occurs in 2 places

L2.52 V-아/어다가 grammar = and then ~action is done as a result of the previous action or activity that occurs in 2 places

- (1) Indicate that the action is done as the results of the previous action
- (2) Indicate the activity that occurs in 2 places or continues from one place to another
- Its shortened form : V-아/어다

V-다가 grammar = and/but then ~interruption of one action to do another immediately
A/V-다가는 grammar = (use to warn a person) if the action is continued, a negative outcome will occur

Verb + -아/어다가:
사다 -- 사다가 먹다 (buy and then eat somewhere)
보다 -- 보다가 
꺼내다 -- 꺼내다가
시키다 -- 시켜다가
찾다 -- 찾아다가
먹다 -- 먹어다가
만들다 -- 만들어다가
공부하다 -- 공부해다가

1. 엄마, 과일 좀 있어요?
- 응, 냉장고에 있으니까 꺼내다가 먹어.
Mom,is there any fruit?
- Yeah, In the fridge, get some out and eat.

2. 은행에 가요?
- 네, 돈을 좀 찾아다가 하숙비를 내려고 해요.
Are you going to the bank?
- Yeah, I plan to withdraw some money and then pay for my lodging room.

3. 어제 시장에서 만두를 사다가 먹었습니다.
Yesterday, I bought some mandu at the market and ate (somewhere).

4. 과자를 만들어다가 학교 친구들이랑 같이 먹었어요.
I made some cookies and ate them with my school friends (somewhere).

5. 민아야, 주방에서 접시 좀 가져다 줄래?
Mina, can you bring me a disk in the kitchen?

6. 친구 생일인데 친구에게 무엇을 선물하려고 해요?
- 집에서케이크를 만들어다가 가져갈까요.
What are you going to give your friend in her birthday?
- I will make a cake at home and bright it.

7.   저 지금 시장에 가는데 뭐 부탁할 것 있어요?
- 그럼, 과일을  좀 사다가 주세요.
I will go to the market now, so do you want to buy anything?
- Then, please buy some fruits for me.

8. 그 회사는 무역 회사지요?
- 네, 해외에서 물건을 수입해다가 국내에서 팔아요.
Is that company about trading?
- Yes, it imported goods from overseas and sell domestically.

9. 저녁에 피자과 지킨을 시켜다가 집에서 먹을까요?
How about we order pizza and chicken and eat at home in the evening?

10. 냉장고에서 고기를 꺼내다가 좀 요리해 주세요.
Please take some meat in the fridge and cook some foods.


Senin, 23 Maret 2020

V-고서 grammar = and then ~ express time order of 2 actions

L2.53 V-고서 grammar = and then ~express time order of 2 actions

- Express the time order of 2 actions = and then
- V-고서 can’t use with movement verbs (가다, 내리다, 다니다, 앉다…)
- V-고서 is the shortened form of V-고 나서
- V-고서 is similar to the V-아/어 가지고 grammar.

Verb + -고서:
돈을 내다 -- 돈을 내고서 (paid money and then...)
화가 내다 -- 화가 내고서  (got angry and then...)
생기다 -- 생기고서 (happened and then...)
뉴스를 읽다 -- 뉴스를 읽고서 (read newspaper and then...)
먹다 -- 먹고서 
만들다 -- 만들고서
운동하다 -- 운동하고서
공부하다 -- 공부하고서

1. 오늘 왜 안경을 안 썼어요?
- 아침에 안경을 책상 위에 올려 놓고 잊어버리고 그냥 나왔어요.
Why didn't you wear glasses today?
- I placed my glasses on my desk this morning and then forgot. So I just went out.

2. 어제 수영을 하다가 발에 쥐가 나서 아주 힘들었어요.
- 그러니까 운동을 할 때는 꼭 준비운동을 하고서 해야 돼요.
Yesterday, I was swimming and got a cramp, and it is really hurt.
- That's why you have to do warm-up exercises first and then exercise.

3. 마트에서 돈만 내고서 물건은 안 가지고 나왔어요.
I only paid money at the mart and left without taking my stuffs.

4. 오늘 아침에 샤워하고서 아침식사를 먹었어요.
Today morning, I took a shower and then eat breakfast.

5. 책을 읽고서 친구들과 토론을 했어요.
I read a book and then had a discussion with some friends.

6. 그는  한국 여자 친구와 사귀고서 한국말이 많이 늘었어.
He dated with a Korean girlfriend, and his Korean has advanced a lot.

7. 친구한테 화를 내고서 후회를 많이 했어요.
I got angry with my friend and then I really regret.

8. 저녁을 먹고서 숙제를 할게요.
I will eat dinner and then do homework.

9. 그 약을 먹고서 감기가 다 나았다
I took that medicine and my cold got better.


Kamis, 19 Maret 2020

A/V-겠어요 grammar = (1) will, plan to; (2) looks, sounds

L1.47 A/V-겠어요 grammar = (1) will, plan to; (2) looks, sounds

Usage 1 of A/V-겠어요:
- Express the speaker’s intention or will to do something, so the subject must be the 1st person, e.g. 나 or 우리 = (I) will, be going to, plan to
- It can be used to convey information that something is about to occur = will, should (example 3, 4)
- Its negative form is -지 않겠어요 or 안 -겠어요 (example 5).
- This grammar is also used idiomatically (example 6-8) or expressing thought of speaker in a more gentle and polite way (example 9).

Usage 2 of A/V-겠어요:
- Express a supposition about a certain situation or state = look like, sounds, appears
- In past tense, A/V + 았/었겠어요.

Adjective/Verb + 겠어요:
보다 → 보겠어요.
되다 → 되겠어요.
일하다 → 일하겠어요.
좋다 → 좋겠어요.
예쁘다 → 예쁘겠어요.
편하다 -->편하겠어요.


A/V-겠어요 = (1) I will, be going to, plan to
1. 이번 달에는 담배를 꼭 끊겠습니다.
This month,I am going to stop smoking.
2. 다음 달에 제가 여행을 가겠습니다.
I will go on a trip in next month.
3. 잠시 후에 인천공항에 도착하겠습니다.
We will soon arrive at Incheon airport.
4. 내일 비가 오겠습니다.
It should rain tomorrow.
5. 이제 술을 마시지 않겠어요.
I won't drink alcohol anymore.
6. 처음 뵙겠습니다.
It's pleasure to meet you. (Idiom)
7. 잘 먹겠습니다.
Thank you for the food (Idiom)
8. 어머니,학교 다녀오겠습니다.
Mom, I am off to school.(Idiom)
9. 여러분,여기까지 알겠어요?
- 아니요. 잘 모르겠어요.
Everyone, Do you understand so far?
- No, I don't quite understand.

A/V-겠어요 = (2) looks, appears, sounds
1. 와, 맛있겠어요.
Wow, it looks delicious
2. 저 포스터를 보세요. 재미있겠어요.
Look at that poster. It looks interesting.
3. 이번 주에 제주도로 여행 갈 거예요.
- 와, 좋겠어요. 저도 가고 싶어요.
I am planning to take a trip to Jeju island this week.
- Wow, it sounds nice. I want to go too.
4. 요즘 퇴근하고 매일 영어를 배워요.
- 매일이요? 힘들겠어요.
These days, I study English everyday after getting off work
- Every day? It sounds tough.
5. 어제 일이 많아서 잠을 못 잤어요.
- 그래요? 피곤하겠어요.
I had a lot of work yesterday so that I couldn't sleep.
- Really? You must be tired.
6. 저는 한국에서 5년에 살았어요.
- 그럼 한국말을 잘하겠어요.
I’ve lived in Korea for 5 years.
- Then you seem to speak Korean well.


Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

V-(으)ㄹ래요 grammar = (1) do you want to, how about? (2) be going to, will

L1.46 V-(으)ㄹ래요 grammar = (1) do you want to, how about…? (2) be going to, will…

Question form: V-ㄹ래요?
- Asking for listener’s preference or gently making a request = do you want to…, how about…?
- Often used in speaking and among intimates.
- V-(으)ㄹ래요? can be replaced by V-지 않을래요?  or 안 V-(으)ㄹ래요? without meaning changes.

Statement form: V-ㄹ래요.
- Express that the speaker has the will or intention to do something = be going to, will...
- Often used in speaking and among intimates.
- Only subjects in the 1st person like 나 and 우리 can be used.

Verb ending in vowel or ㄹ + -ㄹ래요:
가다 -- 갈래요? ; 보다 -- 볼래요?
운동하다 -- 운동할래요?
놀다 -- 놀래요? ; 만들다 -- 만들래요?

Verb ending in consonant + 을래요:
먹다 -- 먹을래요? ; 받다 -- 받을래요?
앉다 -- 앉을래요? ; 읽다 -- 읽을래요?
*듣다 -- 들을래요? ; *걷다 -- 걸을래요?


Question form: V-ㄹ래요?
1. 주말에 여행 같이 갈래요?
- 미안해요. 요즘 바빠서 못 가요.
Do you want to go traveling this weekend?
- I am sorry. I am busy recently so I can't go.
2. 커피 한잔 하실래요?
- 네, 좋아요.
Do you want to have a cup of coffee?
- Okay. It's good.
3. 한강에서 배를 타지 않을래요?
- 네, 너무 좋아요.
Do you want to go ride a boat on Han river?
- Yes, It sounds good.
4. 흐엉 씨, 다리 아파요? 저기 의자에 앉을래요?
- 아니요. 괜찮아요.
Huong, is your leg hurt? How about having a seat over there.
- No. I am okey.
5. 우리 시험 끝나고 뭐 할래요?
- 영화 볼까요?
What do you want to do after the test?
- How about watching a movie?
6. 날씨가 정말 좋아요.
- 그래요? 그럼 밖에 나가서 좀 걸을래요?
The weather is very good.
- Really? Then how about going out to have a walk outside?

Statement form: V-ㄹ래요.
1. 너무 배가 불러요. 그만 먹을래요.
I am so full. I am not going to stop eating.
2. 고객님, 뭐 드실래요?
- 김치찌개 먹을래요.
Sir, what will you have to eat?
- I will eat Kimchi stew.
3. 이번 방학에는 여행을 할래요.
In this vacation, I will go on a trip.
4. 액션 영화나 공포 영화 볼래요?
- 저는 공포 영화는 싫어요. 액션 영화 볼래요.
Do you want to see a horror movie or an action movie?
- I don't like horror movies. I want to see an action movie.
5. 날씨가 더우니까 아이스크림 먹을래요?
- 저는 배가 아파서 먹지 않을래요.
Since it's hot,do you want to have an ice cream?
- My stomach is hurt so I don't want to eat.
6. 저는 다음 주에 고향에 갈래요.
I will go to my hometown next week.


Jumat, 13 Maret 2020

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V-고 보니 grammar = after finishing something, I realized/ found out

L2.54 V-고 보니 grammar = after finishing something, I realized/ found out (something new or contrary to what I have thought)

- Indicating that after finishing something, you realized/found out something new or contrary to what you have thought before 
- V-고 보니 can be used interchangeably with V-고 나서 without meaning change.

Verb + -고 보니:
가다 -- 가고 보니  -- 가고 나서  (after going, I realized...)
만나다 -- 만나고 보니 -- 만나고 나서 (after meeting, I realized...)
내리다 -- 내리고 보니 -- 내리고 나서 (after getting off, I found out...)
시작하다 -- 시작하고 보니 -- 시작하고 나서 (after starting, I realized...)
Adjective + -아/어지고 보니:
돈이 많다 -- 돈이 많아지고 보니 (after having much money, I realized...)
값이 비싸다 -- 값이 비싸지고 보니 (after getting expensive, I realized...)
날씬하다 -- 날씬해지고 보니 (after getting thinner, I realized...)

Noun + 이/가 되고 보니:
인기 -- 인기가 되고 보니 (after becoming popular, I realized...)
가수 -- 가수가 되고 보니 (after becoming a singer, I realized...)

1. 둘이 아는 사이였어요?
- 네, 처음에는 누군지 몰랐는데 만나고 보니 초등학교 동창이었어요.
Do you two know each other?
- Yes, at first I didn’t know who, but after meeting, we realized that we were schoolmates in elementary school.

2.  안나 씨, 오늘 가방 안 가지고 왔어요?
- 지하철에 놓고 내렸어요. 지하철에서 내리고 보니 가방이 없더라고요.
Anna, didn’t you bring your bag today?
- I left it on the subway. I got off the subway and realized that I didn’t bring it with me.

3. 버스를 타고 보니 반대 방향으로 가는 것이었어요.
I got on the bus and found out that it was going in the opposite direction.

4. 돈이 없을 때는 몰랐는데 돈이 많아지고 보니 더 외롭다는 생각이 들었어요.
When I didn’t have money, I didn’t know, but as I got more money, I realized that I felt more lonely.

5. 왜 약속을 했다가 바꿨어요?
- 약속을 하고 보니 그날 다른 약속이 있었더라고요.
Why did you make the appointment and then change?
- I made the appointment and I realized that I had another appointment in that day.

6. 사업을 시작하고 보니 골치 아픈 일이 너무 많아요.
After starting the business, I realized that it has a lot of annoying work.

7. 음식을 시키고 보니 돈이 모자라더라고요.
After ordering the food, I found out that I don’t have enough money.

8. 버스 타고 나서/고 보니 지갑이 없는 것을 알았어요.
I got on the bus and found out that I don’t have my wallet with me.

9. 그를 알고 보니까 정말 착한 사람이었어요.
After I know him, I realize that he is a very nice person.

10. 한국말을 공부하고 보니까 정말 어렵지 않았어요.
After I study Korean, I find out that it is not really difficult.

Comparison between V-고 보니 grammar and V-다 보니 grammar

1. V-고 보니 grammar
- Use after an action is completed
- Refer to a time after performing an action once
- Express unexpected information after finishing an action

그 사람을 만나고 보니 괜찮은 사람 같았어요.
After meeting her, she seemed to be a so so person.

- Use while the action is still taking place
- Refer to a time during the process of performing an action repeatedly.
- Express new information or state of affairs resulting from the preceding action

그 사람을 만나다 보니 사랑하게 되었어요.
After meeting her (repeatedly), I came to love her.
