Kamis, 27 Februari 2020

A/V-더니 grammar = (1) and now, (2) and then, (3) but now

L2.57 A/V-더니 grammar =  (1) and now, (2) and then, (3) but now

- State a reason for changes that was directly witnessed in the past = and as a result / and now…(example 1-7)
- Recall an action witnessed in the past and its following action  = and then… ( example 7)
- Indicate a contrast in the past and the current state of affairs = but now…( example 8, 9)
Can only be used for subject as the 2nd or 3rd person. However if the speaker refers himself or herself in an objective manner, the 1st person can be used as subject. (example 10,11)

Adjective -더니:
덥다 -- 덥더니
바쁘다 -- 바쁘더니 
똑똑하다 -- 똑똑하더니

Verb + -더니:
웃다 -- 웃더니 
보다 -- 보더니
가다 -- 가더니
공부하다 -- 공부하더니
저촉하다 -- 저촉하더니

1. 앤디 씨는 교수가 된대요.
- 그래요? 어렸을 때부터 똑똑하더니 교수가 됐군요.
I heard that Andy became a professor.
- Really, he has been smart since he was a child, and now he is a professor.

2. 아기 때부터 예쁘더니 배우가 되었어요.
She was pretty since childhood,  and now she become an actress.

3. 안나 씨가 다이어트를 하더니 날씬해졌네요.
Anna went on a diet and now became thin.

4. 토니 씨가 요즘 돈이 없다고 하더니 여행도 못 간 것 같아요.
Tony said he has been broken recently, and now he couldn't go on the trip.

5. 수지 씨가 평소에 돈을 아끼고 저촉하더니 집을 샀군요.
Suzy is frugal daily to save her money, and now she bought a house.

6. 마이크 씨는매일 운동하더니 건강해진 것 같아요.
Mike does exercise daily, and as a result he seems becoming healthy.

7. 동생은 집에 들어오더니 갑자기 울기 시작했어요.
My little brother enter the house and then suddenly started crying.

8. 오후에는 덥더니 저녁에는 쌀쌀하네요.
It was hot in the afternoon, but now it is chilly in the evening.

9. 토니 씨가 월초에는 바쁘더니 요즘은 좀 한가해진 모양이에요.
Mark was busy at the beginning of the month,but now he seems a bit free.

10. 내가 (wrong)/네가 (correct) 열심히 공부하더니 1등을 했어요.
You has studied diligently, and now you ranked the 1st.

11. (내가) 며칠 전부터 피곤하더니 오늘은 열도 나고 아파요.
I haven't felt good for last few days, and now I get a fever.

Comparison between A/V-더니 grammar and V-았/었더니 grammar

1. A/V-더니 grammar
- 2nd and 3rd person subject (1st person subject is possible when reflecting on oneself in an objective manner)
- The subjects of both clauses must be the same
- Can be used for Verb and Adjective
- Meaning:
+ result of a past occurrence
+ contrast between past and present
+ recall an action witnessed in the past and its following action

- 1st person subject (3rd person is possible when quoting someone else’s action or behavior)
- The subject of 2 clauses can be different
- Can be used for Verb only.

- Meaning:
+ result of a past occurrence
+ express speaker’s discovery after doing something
+ recall a reaction or behavior of someone to the action or behavior in the preceding clause
+ connect quotes with action


Selasa, 25 Februari 2020

V-았/었더니 grammar = (1) 'so...now', (2) 'and I found that', (3) connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior

L2.58 V-았/었더니 grammar = (1) 'so...now', (2) 'and I found that', (3) connecting quote with action, (4) recall a behavior

- Indicate something happened as a result of something else = so now, and as a result (example 1-4)
- Express speaker’s discovery after doing something = and I found that (example 5, 6) = V-보니 grammar
- Connect quote with action = but / and (example 7, 8)
- Recall a reaction or behavior of someone to the action or behavior in the preceding clause (example 10, 11).
Can only be used for subject as the 1st person (3rd person is possible when quoting someone else’s action or behavior) (example 9)

Verb + -았/었더니:
웃다 -- 웃었더니 
보다 -- 봤더니
가다 -- 갔더니
만들다 -- 만들었더니
공부하다 -- 공부했더니
물을 마시다 -- 물을 마셨더니
야근하다 -- 야근했더니

1. 안나 씨, 얼굴이 안 좋아 보여요.
- 며칠 야근을 했더니 몸살이 났어요.
Anna, you don’t look good.
- I worked late for a few days, so I fell ill now.

2. 민아 씨는 졸리지 않아요?
- 네, 좀 전에 커피를 마셨더니 괜찮은데요.
Aren’t you sleepy, Anna?
- No, I drank some coffee earlier, so I am fine now.

3. 약을 먹었더니 좀 좋아졌어요.
I took some medicine, so I felt better now.

4. 한국 드라마를 꾸준히 봤더니 한국말이 자연스러워진 것 같아요.
I watched Korean dramas steadily, so my Korean seems to become more natural.

5. 극장에 갔더니 사람이 많았어요.
I went to the cinema and found that there were a lot of people.

6. 그분을 만나 봤더니 아주 친절한 분이 셨어요.
I met that person and found that she was very kind.

7. 파티에 여자 친구에게 같이 가자고 했더니 싫다고 하더라고요.
I invited my girlfriend to the party, but she said she don’t want to go.

8. 이가 아파서 치과에 갔더니 1주일 후에 다시 한 번 오래요.
My tooth was hurting so I went to the dentist, and the doctor said to come back in a week.

9. 일찍 일어났더니 피곤해요.(1st person)/ 안나 씨가 일찍 일어났더니 피곤대요. (3rd person)
I wake up early, and so I am tired. / Anna said she wake up early and now she was tired.

10. 사람들이 웃었더니 민아 씨 얼굴이 빨개졌어요.
Everyone laughed, so Mina’s face turned red.

11. 앤디 씨가 늦겠다고 했더니 수지 씨가 화를 냈어요.
Andy said he will be late, so Suzy got angry.

Comparison between A/V-더니 grammar and V-았/었더니 grammar

1. V-았/었더니 grammar
- 1st person subject (3rd person is possible when quoting someone else’s action or behavior)
- The subject of 2 clauses can be different
- Can be used for Verb only.
- Meaning:
+ result of a past occurrence
+ express speaker’s discovery after doing something
+ recall a reaction or behavior of someone to the action or behavior in the preceding clause
+ connect quotes with action

- 2nd and 3rd person subject (1st person subject is possible when reflecting on oneself in an objective manner)
- The subjects of both clauses must be the same
- Can be used for Verb and Adjective
- Meaning:
+ result of a past occurrence
+ contrast between past and present
+ recall an action witnessed in the past and its following action


Sabtu, 22 Februari 2020

Korean-English-Vietnamese Photo Dictionary PDF

Korean-English-Vietnamese Photo Dictionary PDF 
By TM Cuong and TQHoai. With great helps from Heuju & Sekil Park.

Download Korean Photo Dictionary PDF here.  

See the book's illustrative image and content below.

1. Action........... 2
2. Cardinal – Ordinal Number / Counting ........... 5
3. Places - Location........... 8
4. Room – Location...........  11
5. Transportation...........  12
6. Material ........... 13
7. Food - General ........... 14
8. Korean Food ........... 16
9. Kitchen........... 16
10. Fruit........... 17
11. Vegetable ........... 18
12. People - Job........... 19
13. People - Family...........  22
14. Body Anatomy...........  23
15. Medical – Disease...........  26
16. Animal...........  27
17. Avian - Bird...........  30
18. Insect ...........  31
19. Fishes – Underwater Animals........... 32
20. Trees – Flowers...........  34
21. School – University ........... 36
22. Office Stationary – Study Accessory........... 37
23. House Things........... 39
24. Electronics Equipment...........  41
25. Hand tools........... 43
26. Adjectives ........... 43
27. Adverb........... 44
28. Time........... 44
29. Position – Direction........... 46
30. Weather........... 47
31. Fashion – Clothes - Accessories........... 48
32. Personal Accessory........... 49
33. Shapes and Geometry........... 50
34. Sport........... 51
35. Shopping - Finance........... 51
36. Entertainment - Music........... 52
37. Country........... 53


Jumat, 21 Februari 2020

V-(으)ㄹ까요? grammar = (1) shall we, why don’t we…? (2) shall I, should I…?

L1.43 V-()ㄹ까요? grammar = (1) shall we, why don’t we...?; (2) shall I, should I...?

Usage 1:
- the speaker suggests the listener doing something together or ask the listener’s choice regarding something = shall we, why don’t we…?
- the subject of the sentence is 우리 and is often omitted.
- when answering, V-()ㅂ시다 or V-/어요 is used.

Usage 2:
- the speaker makes a suggestion to the listener or ask the listener’s opinion regarding something = shall I, should I…?
- the subject of sentence is 제가, 내가 and is often omitted.
- when answering, V-()세요 or - 마세요 is used.

Verb ending in a vowel or + -ㄹ까요?
가다 -- 갈까요?
사다 -- 살까요?
여행하다 -- 여행할까요?
*만들다 -- 만들까요?
*열다 -- 열까요?

Verb ending in a consonant + 을까요?
먹다 -- 먹을까요?
닫다 -- 닫을까요?
*듣다 -- 들을까요?
*걷다 -- 걸을까요?


V-()ㄹ까요 = (1) shall we, why don’t we…?

1. 같이 테니스를 할까요?
- , 좋아요. 같이 합시다.
Shall we play tennis together?
- Yes, good. Let's play together.

2. 여기에서 쉴까요?
- , 좋아요. 쉽시다.
Why don't we have a break here?
- Okey, good. Let’s have a break.

3. 무슨 영화를 볼까요?
- 한국 드라마를 봅시다.
Which movie shall we see?
- Let’s see Korean drama.

4. 주말에 같이 백화점에 갈까요?
- 미안해요. 주말에 약속이 있어요. 다음에 같이 가요.
Shall we go to the department store in weekend?
- I am sorry. I have an appointment in weekend. Let's go in the next time.

V-()ㄹ까요 = (2) shall I, should I....?

1. 창문을 열까요?
- , 여세요.
Shall I open the window?
- Okey, please open it.

2. 내일 무엇을 입을까요?
- 치마를 입어 보세요.
What should I wear tomorrow?
- Try to wear this skirt.

3. 언제 전화할께요?
- 저녁에 전화하세요.
When should I call you?
- Please call me in the afternoon.

4. 꽃을 어디에 놓을까요?
- 책상 위에 놓으세요.
Where should I put these flowers?
- Please put them on the desk.

5. 오늘 날씨가 흐려요. 우산을 가져갈까요?
- , 우산을 가져가세요. 비가 오겠어요.
It's cloudy today. Should I bring an umbrella?
- Yes, please bring it. It will definitely rain.


Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020

A/V-다가는 grammar = if (the action is continued, a negative outcome will occur)

L2.59 A/V-다가는 grammar = (use to warn a person) if the action is continued, a negative outcome will occur

- (Often use to warn a person that) if the action is continued, a negative outcome will occur
- Sentence is often used with “이렇게, 그렇게, 저렇게”
- Sentence is often ended with supposition or conjecture “-(으)ㄹ 거예요, -(으)ㄹ 텐데요, -(으)ㄹ지도 몰라요, or -겠어요”
- If speaking hypothetically about the present or something about to happen in future, then V-았/었다가는 is used. (example 11)

- V-다가 grammar = and/but then ~interruption of one action to do another immediately
V-아/어다가 grammar = and then ~action is done as a result of the previous action or activity that occurs in 2 places

Verb + -다가는:
만들다  -- 만들다가는
비가 오다 -- 비가 오다가는
자다 -- (이렇게) ...자다가는 
공부하다 -- (이렇게) ...공부하다가는 
운전하다 -- (그렇게)... 운전하다가는

Adjective + -다가는:
나쁘다 -- 바쁘다가는
춥다 -- 춥다가는
많다 -- 많다가는


1. 엄마, 야채는 싫어요. 햄 주세요.
- 이렇게 편식을 하다가는 키가 크지 않을 거야. 음식을 골고루 먹어야 크가 크지.
Mom, I hate vegetables. I want some ham.
- You don’t grow taller if you keep eating unbalanced meal. You will only grow tall if you eat well-balanced meal.

2. 한 잔만 마셨니까 운전해도 되겠지요?
- 술을 마시고 운전하다가는 클일 나요. 오늘은 택시 타고 가세요.
I only had one drink, so it’s ok to drive, right?
- Drinking and then driving is not trivial. You should take a taxi today.

3. 이렇게 날씨가 춥다가는 감기 환자들이 늘어날 거예요.
If the cold weather continues at this rate, the number of people who catch colds will increase.

4. 앤디 씨가 이 일도 다음 주에 하겠대요.
- 그렇게 일을 미루다가는 나주에 후회하게ㅔ 될 텐데요.
Andy said he would do this work next week.
- If he keeps delaying the work like that, I think he will regret it later.

5. 그렇게 공부하다가는 시험에 떨어질 거예요.
If he keeps studying like that, he will fail the exam.

6. 그런 식으로 운전하다가는 사고가 날 텐데요.
If you keep driving that way, I think you will cause an accident.

7. 하루 종일 게임을 하다가는 눈이 나빠질 거예요.
If you keep playing computer games all day, your eyesight will get worse.

8. 이렇게 시간을 낭비 하다가는 시험을 잘못 볼 거에요.
If you keep wasting time like this, you won’t do well in your exam.

9. 그렇게 짜증을 많이 내다가는 친구들이 다 떠나 버릴 텐데요.
If you keep getting annoyed that much, all your friends will leave you.

10. 이렇게 비가 많이 오다가는 홍수가 날지도 몰라요.
If it keeps raining this much, a flood might happen.

11. 내일 발표를 망쳤다가는 회사에서 잘릴지도 몰라요.
If the presentation tomorrow is ruined, I might get fired by the company.
