Selasa, 05 November 2019

A/V/N-았/었더라면 grammar = If I had...~assume a past situation opposite to what happened

L2.80 A/V/N-았/었더라면 grammar = If I had…, I would have…~hypothesize a past situation opposite to what happened

Usage :
- Hypothesize a past situation opposite to what actually happened = "If I had…, I would have..."

- 았/었더라면 is often used with these endings: -았/었을 거예요, 았/었을 텐데, and -(으)ㄹ 뻔했다

- 았/었더라면 can be replaced with -았/었다면 or -았/었으면

Tense :

Adjective / Verb + -았/었더라면:
크다 -- 컸더라면 -- 컸다면 -- 컸으면 (had been tall)
늦다 -- 늦었더라면 -- 늦었다면 -- 늦었으면 (had been late)
오다 -- 왔더라면 -- 왔다면 -- 왔으면 (had come)
알다 -- 알았더라면 -- 알았다면 -- 알았으면 (had known)
먹다 -- 먹었더라면 -- 먹었다면 -- 먹었으면 (had eaten)
받지 않다 -- 받지 않았더라면 -- 받지 않았으면 (hadn't received)
운전하다 -- 운전 했더라면 -- 운전 했다면 -- 운전 했으면 (had driven)

Noun + 였/이었더라면:
의사 -- 의사였더라면 -- 의사였다면 -- 의사였으면 (was a doctor)
학생 -- 학생이었더라면 -- 학생이었다면 -- 학생이었으면 (was a student)


1. 표가 모두 매진되었네요.
- 우리는 미리 예매 했더라면 영화을 볼 수 있었을 거예요.
The tickets are all sold out.
- If we had bought them in advance, we could have seen the movie.

2. 안나 씨, 생일 축하해요.
- 안나 씨 생일이에요? 생일인 줄 알았더라면 선물을 준비했을 텐데요.
Anna, happy birthday.
- It’s Anna’s birthday? If I had known that, I would have prepared a gift.

3. 제가 키가 컸더라면 모델이 되었을 거예요.
If I had been taller, I would have been a model.

4. 아침에 일기예보를 들었더라면 산에 가지 않았을 텐데.
If I had heard the forecast in the morning, I wouldn't have gone hiking.

5. 빨리 병원에 가지 않았더라면 큰일 날 뻔했어요.
If you hadn't gone to the hospital quickly,  it would had been a big deal.

6.  오늘도 회사에 늦었더라면/늦었다면/늦었으면 부장님한테 크게 혼났을 거예요.
If I had been late for work again today, I would have been scolded very much by the director.

7. 운전 연습을 많이 했더라면 이 번 시험을 합격을 텐데요.
If I have practiced driving much, I would have passed this driving exam.

8. 천천히 운전 했더라면 사고가 나지 않았을 거예요.
If I had driven slowly, the accident wouldn't have been occurred.

9. 술이 그렇게 많이 마시지 않았더라면 그 일이 나지 않았을 거예요.
If I hadn’t drunk that much, that work wouldn't have happened.

10. 공부 열심히 했더라면 시험을 잘 봤을 거예요.
If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.


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