Sabtu, 30 November 2019

V-았/었다가 grammar = but then ~after the completion of an event, the opposite event happens

L2.73 V-았/었다가 grammar = but then ~ after the completion of an event, the opposite event happens

- Indicates that after the completion of an event, the opposite event happens = 'but then'
- The subject of both clauses must be the same, however the actions in both clauses are mutually contrastive or opposite. 
- -았/었- does not indicate the past tense but rather the completion of the action.
- The shortened form of V-았/었다가 is V-았/었다
- V-았/었다가 often goes with 가다, 오다, 타다, and 들르다 (e.g. 갔다 오다 = pop out) to indicate unexpected/unplanned event after doing an action in a past event = V-았/었는데 grammar

- V-다가 grammar = and/but then ~express interruption of one action to do another
V-아/어다가 grammar = and then ~action is done as a result of the previous action
A/V-다가는 grammar = if the action is continued, a negative outcome will occur

Verb + -았/었다가:
가다 -- 갔다가 .... 오다 (went out then came back )
열다 -- 열었다가 .... 닫다 (open then close again )
일어나다 -- 일어났다가 ... 자다 (wake up then sleep again )
끄다 -- 껐다가 .... 켜다 (turn off then turn on again )
나가다 -- 나까다가 .... 들어가다 (go out then come back )


1. 더운데 창문을 좀 열까요?
- 밖이 너무 스끄럽더라고요. 그래서 창문을 열었다가 다시 닫았어요.
It’s hot, shall I open the window?
- It was really noisy outside. So I had opened the window but then closed it again.

2. 주말에 특별한 계획 있으세요?
- 네, 친구랑 부산에 갔다가 오려고요.
Do you have any special plan for the weekend?
- Yes, I’m planning to go to Busan (and come back) with a friend.

3. 코트를 샀다가 마음에 안 들어서 환불했어요.
I bought a coat but then returned it because I didn’t like it.

4. 비행기 표를 예약했다가 갑자기 일이 생겨서 취소했어요.
I reserved an air ticket but then cancelled it because something came up suddenly.

5. 잠깐 우체국에 갔다 올게요.
I’m going to the post office (and then come back).

6. 불을 껐다가 어두워서 다시 켰어요.
I turned off the light but then turned it on because it was dark.

7. 일어났다가 졸려서 다시 잤어요.
I woke up but then slept again since I was sleepy.

8. 서점에 들렀다가/들렀는데 재미있는 책을 발견했어요.
I passed by a bookstore and came across an interesting book.

9. 대형 마트에 갔다가 우연히 고등친구를 만났어요.
I went to a supermarket and happened to bump into a high school friend.

10. 밖에 나갔다가 비가 와서 다시 들어왔어요.
I went outside but then I came back because it was raining.

Comparison between V-다가 and V-았/었다가 grammar

1. V-다가 grammar:
- The 2nd action occurs while the 1st action is still occurring
- Can be used with all verbs

2. V-았/었다가 grammar:
- The 2nd action occurs after the 1st action is completed
- Verbs pairs are contrastive in meaning

Let's enjoy the short video explaining about the expression "갔다 오다 = pop out":


Jumat, 29 November 2019

V-지 마세요 grammar = please don’t V~ requesting someone not to do something politely

L1.30 V-지 마세요 grammar = please don’t V~ requesting someone not to do something politely

- V-지 마세요 is used when requesting, ordering, or persuading someone not to do something politely = please don’t V
- It is the negative form of the expression -(으)세요. 
- The formal polite form is V-지 마십시오.

Verb + 지 마세요:
가지 마세요
자지 마세요
보지 마세요
먹지 마세요
하지 마세요

Adjective + 아/어하지 마세요:
슬퍼하지 마세요
나빠하지 마세요

1. 술을 마시지 마세요.
Please don't drink alcohol.

2. 극장에서 영화를 보려면 전화하지 마세요.
Please don't use your phone while watching movie in cinema.

3. 수업 시간에 자지 마세요.
Please don't sleep during class.

4. 급한 일이 있으면 버스를 타지 마세요. 택시를 타세요.
If you have a urgent work, don't take a bus. Please take a taxi.

5. 이 영화 어때요? 재미있어요?
- 이 영화를 보지 마세요. 재미없어요.
How is the movie? Is it interesting?
- Please don't see it. It's boring.

6. 음악을 너무 크게 듣지 마세요. 귀에 안 좋아요.
Don’t listen to music too loudly. It's bad for your ears.

7. 너무 뚱뚱해요. 살을 빼고 싶어요.
- 그러면 햄버거를 먹지 마세요. 야채를 더 많이 먹으세요.
I am getting overweight. I want to lose weight.
- Then don't eat hamburger.  Eat more vegetables.

8. 행운을 빌어주세요. 슬퍼하지 마세요.
Wish them the best. Don’t be sad.

9. 겨울 방학은 끝났지만, 슬퍼하지 마세요.
Winter vacation is over. But don’t be sad.

10. 거기서 일어난 일에 기분 나빠하지 마세요.
Don't feel bad for what happened up there.

Finally, let's enjoy this song:

이진관 - 가지마세요 -- 'Please don't go' by Jinkwan Lee 


Rabu, 27 November 2019

2021 KIIP Guideline (Korean Immigration and Integration Program)

Korean Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP) 2021: Guidelines

Xem bản tiếng Việt, tại: Giới  thiệu về chương trình hội nhập xã hội Hàn Quốc (사회통합프로그램)

1. What is Korea Immigration & Integration Program (KIIP)?

A FREE education program developed to help immigrants acquire basic knowledge and information about life in Korea (Korean Language and Culture, Understanding Korean Society, and etc.) so that they can adapt to and become self-reliant members of Korean society.

2. Eligible Participants:

❍ Foreign residents and naturalized Koreans who hold an alien registration card or domestic residence card
- Naturalized Koreans who have acquired Korean nationality with no more than 3 years can take the level test and classes.

※ Foreign national Koreans applying for permanent residency (F5-7) must complete the 'KIIP level 5 basic course'

3. Benefits of KIIP program:

A. When applying for naturalization : exemption from naturalization written test and interview, reduced waiting time for naturalization evaluation (only applied to those who completed the intensive course)
B. When applying for VISA F2 & F5:
❍ Additional points
- Those applying for points system based residential status (F2-7) (maximum 28 points)
❍ Exemption from proving Korean fluency
- Long-term foreign residents applying for permanent residency (F5-1)
- Spouse of Korean citizen (F6) applying for permanent residency (F5-2)
- Underage children (foreigner) of Korean citizens (F2-2) applying for permanent residency (F5-3)
- Working visit (H-2) visa holders applying for permanent residency (F5-14)
- Long-term foreign residents (D1, D5~D9, F1, F3, E1~E5, E7, etc.) applying for residential status (F2-99)
- Non-professional employment (E9), vessel crew (E10), working visit (H-2) visa holders applying for residential status (F2-6) or specially designated activities (E7-1)

4. Curriculum:

* Below is the old KIIP curriculum (valid until 2021.08.15)

◦ New KIIP policy from 2021.08.16: 

Level 3: 100 h language course --> 80h language course + 20h culture course 

Level 4: 100 h language course --> 80h language course + 20h culture course 

Level 5: 50h understanding society basic course  --> 70h (60h textbook + 10h activities)

Level 5: 20h understanding society advance course  --> 30 hours (20h textbook + 10h activities)

Activities = selection of civil education, immigration mentor education, field education, voluntary activities etc.

*Your class attendance has to be equal to 80 % or higher to be able to apply for the corresponding test.

For example, in KIIP level 5 basic course, your class attendance has to be at least 48 h coursebook + 8 h activities to be able to apply for the KIIP level 5 comprehensive test.

◦ How to submit your TOPIK certificate?

Applicants can start at the assigned level based on their pre-test score or 'valid' TOPIK certificate. There are 2 ways to submit your TOPIK certificate as below:

(1) You can submit your valid TOPIK certificate at your nearest immigration office to get your assigned level without taking the pre-test 

(2) You call the immigration contact number 1345 to get support for submitting your valid TOPIK certificate ONLINE without visiting the immigration office. Note that the immigration contact number receives calls during working hours only.

- See the below picture for details.

◦ Applicants who did not take the level test or TOPIK can start from level 0

◦ Applicants must first take the level 5 basic course (50 hours) in order to apply for the intensive course (20 hours).

5. KIIP textbooks (2021)

The Old KIIP curriculum requires only 7 books for the whole course. However, in the new KIIP curriculum, the number of books has increased to 15 books.  

To have a look at the online book or get the book pdf, visit: 

To purchase the KIIP books, visit:

Below is the cover of each KIIP book by level.

Level 0 book (15h): Introductory book

Level 1 book (100h): Basic textbook + workbook

Level 2 book (100h): Basic textbook + workbook

Level 3 book (80h +20h): Basic textbook + workbook + Customized culture book 

Level 4 book (80h +20h): Basic textbook + workbook+ Customized culture book 

Level 5 book (70h course): Basic textbook + basic workbook

Level 5 book (30h course): Advance textbook + advance workbook

6. KIIP Test Schedule:

In 2021, there are 25 KIIP tests in total: 10 pre-tests, 5 mid-term tests, and 10 comprehensive tests.

7. Guide to Register and Apply for the Pre-Test:

Visit: How to Apply for a KIIP Test or Start from level 0 (사회통합프로그램 사전평가 신청)

※ From Mar 2019, the pre-test is no longer free. You must pay 30,000 won the registration fee to take the pre-test, midterm test, and comprehensive test.

※ From Mar 2021, the test fee was increased from 30,000 won to 38,000 won.  

8. Guide to Class Registration:

 Visit: How to register for a KIIP class with proper time and location on

❍ Old KIIP class policy before 2020: 

You have to attend the KIIP class offline. Online class is only available to the following conditions:
- Education Center : Korea Immigration Service Foundation [한국이민재단 (온라인 화상교육)]
- Eligible participants :
⓵ pregnancy, childbirth, long distance, restricted mobility
⓶ class cancelled
⓷ applicant who can not attend class due to unavoidable circumstances such as a job (proof required)
※ Applicants can register for online classes on a first come, first served basis during the registration period. The education center will contact the applicant for documents (pregnancy confirmation, family relation certificate, employment certificate), and make deliberations before assigning a class.

❍ New KIIP class policy after 2020: 

- Class registration time is changed from 0:00 AM to 9:00 AM. 
- Due to the COVID19 pandemic, all KIIP classes are conducted online, so there is no restriction on the class location that you intend to apply for. 

9. Qualifications & Certificates

- If you complete Korean Language and Culture class (level 4 class) and pass the mid-term test, you will receive the "Korean Language and Culture Test (KLCT)" certificate for getting plus points when applying for VISA.

- If you complete the basic course for Understanding Korean Society (Level 5 - 50 hours course) and pass the comprehensive test for permanent residency, you will receive the "Permanent Residence Test (KIPRAT)" certificate (합격증) and the "KIIP completion certificate" (이수증) for applying VISA F2 and F5.

- If you complete the intensive course for Understanding Korean Society (Level 5 - 70 hours course) and pass the comprehensive test for naturalization, you will receive the "Naturalization Test (KINAT)" certificate a(합격증) and the "KIIP completion certificate" (이수증) for applying Korean citizenship.

10. Other useful information

Foreign Language Service Center: Call 1345 anywhere in Korea. Note that the support center receives calls during working hours only.

Download the level test sample book, visit:

사회통합프로그램 사전평가 2018 PDF with keys (2018 KIIP Level tests)

Download KIIP textbook, visit:

사회통합프로그램 KIIP Program Textbook (Korean for Immigrants) PDF+Audio


A/N/V-았/었던 grammar = (reminiscence) ~recall a past event that has not continued to present.

L2.74 A/N/V-았/었던 grammar = (reminiscence)~recall a past event that has not continued to the present.

- 았/었 (completion) +  던 (recollection) = recall a past event that has not continued to the present = was, did
- If verbs express a certain degree of continued state, (e.g. 살다 , 근무하다, 다니다, 사귀다) -았/었던 can be replaced by -던 with the same meaning. (example 6)
- A-았/었던 has 2 possible usages: (1) past and present are contrastive, (2) past continues to present. (example 7, 8)


Adjective / Verb + -았/었던:
가다 -- 갔던
입다 -- 입었던
먹다 -- 먹었던
만나다 -- 만난던
얌전하다 -- 얌전했던 
살다 -- 살던 -- 살었던

Noun + 였던/이었던:
학생 -- 학생이었던
의사 -- 의사였던

1. 어디에서 만날까요?
- 지난번에 만났던 커피숍에서 만나요.
Where shall we meet?
- Let's meet at the coffee shop where we met last time.

2. 이 옷 멋있네요. 새로 사셨어요?
- 안나 씨 생일 파티에 입었던 옷인데 기억 안 나세요?
These are nice clothes. Are they new?
- These clothes I wore them at the Anna birthday party, don’t you remember?

3. 어렸을 때 얌전했던 앤디가 지금은 적극적인 성격으로 바꿨어요.
Andy, who used to be a quiet person when was a child, now has an active personality.

4. 어제 점심 때 먹었던 음식 이름이 뭐지요?
What is the name of the food we had for lunch yesterday?

5. 작년 여름에 놀러 갔던 곳에 다시 가고 싶어요.
I want to go back to the place we went to last summer.

6. 이 집에 제가 어렸을 때 살았던/살던 집입니다.
This is the house I lived in when was child.

7. 초등학교 때는 키가 작았던 수지가 지금은 패션모델을 할 정도로 컸대요.
I heard that Suzy, who used to be short during elementary school, is now tall as a fashion model.

8. 어릴 때부터 똑똑했던 토니 씨는 대학교에 가서도 항상 1등을 한대요.
I heard that Tony has been smart since a kid and even now is always first in his college class.

9. 선생님, 이 문법을 잘 모르겠어요.
- 지난 학기에 배웠던 건데 기억이 안 나세요?
Teacher, I have no idea about this grammar.
- We studied it last year, don’t you remember?

10. 오늘 저녁에 어디에서 만날까요?
- 우리가 처음 만났던 공원에서 만나면 어때요?
Where will we meet this evening?
- How about meeting at the park that we first met.

Comparison between V-던  and V-았/었던 grammar

1. V-던 grammar
- Past action has not ended yet or was repeated often
어렸을 때 먹던 음식이 먹고 싶어요.
I want to eat the food I used eat when was child.

아까 보던 신문을 여기에 두었는데 혹시 못 보셨어요?
I put the newspapers I was reading earlier here, did you see it?

2. V-았/었던 grammar
- Past action was ended and not continue now.
어제 먹던 음식을 오늘도 먹고 싶어요.
I want to eat the food I ate yesterday again today.

이 신문은 제가 아까 봤던 건데 다른 신문 없어요?
This is the newspapers I read earlier, do you have another one?


Selasa, 26 November 2019

V-(으)세요 grammar = (1) honorific ending ~show respect, (2) making requests politely

L1.29 V-(으)세요 grammar = (1) honorific ending ~show respect; (2) giving orders or making requests politely 

(1) V-(으)세요 as a honorific ending of V-아/어요 (polite ending): use to ask or talk about the person that you show respect (e.g. your teacher, your parents, your boss). 
- (2) V-(으)세요: use to make requests or give orders, suggestions, and directions politely = please (do)
- V~(으)십시오 is the formal polite form of V-(으)세요: use to give commands very formally. Mostly used on government/restaurant/store signs or at the subway broadcasts or at a test.


Verb ending in vowel or ㄹ + 세요: 
가다 -- 가세요.
주다 -- 주세요.
운동하다 -- 운동하세요.
*만들다 -- 만드세요 (make)
*살다 -- 사세요 (live)

Verb ending in consonant + 으세요:
입다 -- 입으세요 (wear)
않다 -- 않으세요 (sit down)
*듣다 -- 들으세요 (listen)
*걷다 -- 걸으세요 (walk)

Adjective ending in 하다 + 세요: 
행복하세요 (I wish you happiness)
건강하세요 (please be healthy)

Adjective + 아/어하세요:
기뻐하세요  (be happy)


(1) V-(으)세요 as a honorific ending:
1. 요즘 어떻게 지내세요?
- 잘 지내요.
How have you been lately?
- I am fine.

2. 선생님, 미국사람이세요?
Teacher, are you an American?

3. 한국어 어떠세요? 재미있으세요?
How is Korean? Is it interesting?

4. 무슨 책을 읽으세요?
What book are you reading?

5. 한국어 선생님이 누구세요?
Who is the Korean class teacher?

6. 김 선생님은 한국어를 가르치세요.
Teacher Kim teaches Korean.

(2) V-(으)세요 as an imperative ending:
1. 않으세요. ← idiom
Please have a seat.

2. 들어오세요. ← idiom
Come in please.

3. 맛있게 드세요. ← idiom
Have a good meal.

3. 책을 꺼내고 30쪽을 펴세요. ← making a request
Please take out your book and open the page 30.

4. 사거리에서 우회전 가세요.  ← giving direction.
At the crossroad, go to the right.

5. 수지 씨, 결혼 축하해요. 행복하세요. ← idiom
Suzy, congratulations to your wedding. I wish you happiness.

6. 여기에 이름과 주소를 쓰세요. ← giving order/make a request
Please write down your name and address here.
- Okey.

7. 여러분, 조용히 하세요. 자, 사장님, 말씀하세요. ← making a request/ giving an order
Everyone , please be quiet. Now director, please begin (talking).

8. 사장님, 물 좀 주세요. ← make a request
Sir, may I have some water?


Sabtu, 23 November 2019

V-아/어 버리다 grammar = Express speaker’s feeling to the completed event/action

L2.75 V-아/어/여 버리다 grammar = Express speaker’s feeling to the completed event/action

- Express speaker’s feeling to the completed event/action (that nothing remained after completion), i.e. a happy feeling about finally completing a task and getting rid of a burden, or a sad feeling that something completed in an unexpected way.
- Since the expression can indicate various emotional states, it is important to understand the emotional state of speaker from the particular context (e.g. happy or sad). (example 8-11)

Verb + 아/어/여 버리다:
사다 -- 사 버리다
가다 -- 가 버리다
주다 -- 줘 버라다
먹다 -- 먹어 버리다
팔다 -- 팔아 버리다
끝나다 -- 끝나 버리다
기다리다 -- 기다려 버리다
시작하다 -- 시작해 버리다


1. 수지, 왜 그렇게 화났어요?
- 네가 사다 놓은 케이크를 동생이 다 먹어 버렸거든요.
Suzy, why are you so angry?
- My little brother ate all the cake that I had bought.  (I felt angry)

2. 작년에 나온 제품들을 어떻게 하지요?
- 다음 주부터 신상품을 팔아야 하니까 작년 제품들은 싸게 팔아 버립시다.
What should we do with last year’s products?
- We’ve got to sell new products from next week, so let’s sell off last year’s products at cheap prices. 

3. 남자 친구랑 헤어졌다면서요?
- 네, 그래서 그 사람이 준 물건들을 친구들에게 다 줘 버렸어요.
Is it true that you broke up with your boyfriends?
- Yes, so I gave away all things that he gave me to my friends. (I am not regretted)

4. 날씨가 덥고 해서 머리를 짧게 잘라 버렸어요.
It was so hot that I cut my hair short. 

5. 10분밖에 안 늦었는데 친구는 저를 기다리지 않고 가 버렸어요.
Although I was late for 10 minutes only, my friend left without waiting.

6. 그 영화가 벌써 끝나 버렸어요.
That movie is already ended. (So I am sad)

7. 영화가 벌써 시작해 버렸어요.
The movie is already started. (So I am sad)

8 어제 쓴 글이 마음에 안 들어서 다 지워 버렸어요.
I didn’t like what I wrote yesterday, so I erased them all.

9. 그 사람이 결국 떠나 버렸어요. (그래서 너무 아쉽고 섭섭해요.)
Finally, she left for good. (So I am very sad)

10. 그 사람이 드디어 떠나 버렸어요. (그래서 너무 시원해요.)
She eventually left away. ( So I’m very relieved)

11. 지루한 교수님의 연설을 끝나 버렸어요.
The professor finished his boring speech. (So I am relieved)

12. 핸드폰이 완전 고장 나 버렸어요.
My mobile phone is completely broken. (I am not happy since I have to buy another one).
