Selasa, 28 Februari 2017

L2G15 A/V/N-(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 grammar = due to, because ~give reason for negative consequence

L2G15 A/V/N-(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 grammar = due to, because ~give reason for negative consequence.

Usage :
- 탓 = reason why something bad happens
- Express the reason/cause (1st clause) for the negative consequence (2nd clause).

Tense :

- 과거 : -았/었던 탓에
- 현재 : -(으)ㄴ 탓에
Verb :
- 과거 : -(으)ㄴ 탓에
- 현대 : -는 탓에
Noun :
- 과거 : 였던 탓에
- 현재 : 인 탓에

Examples :
1. 앤디 씨가 오늘도 서류 하나를 빠뜨리고 왔다면서요?
    - 네, 성격이 급한 탓에 실수가 잦은 것 같아요.
I heard that Andy forgot to bring a document again today?
    Yes, it seems he often makes mistakes due to his hurried characteristic.

2. 비가 많이 오는 탓에 한강 다리 몇 개가 통제 되었대요.
Due to heavy rain, some bridges over Han river are closed.

3. 어제 술을 많이 마신 탓에 오늘 아침에 머리가 아팠어요.
I had an headache this morning because I drank a lot yesterday.

4. 장마철인 탓에 비가 자주 온다.
It rains often due to the rainy season.

5. 스트레스를 많이 받는 탓에 건강이 안 좋아졌어요.
    스트레스를 풀 수 있도록 취미 생활을 해 보세요.
Because I get a lot of stress, my health got bad.
    You should do favorite activities so that you can release your stress.

6. 어제 눈이 많이 온 탓에 길이 미끄러워요.
The road is slippery because snow fell a lot yesterday.

7. 요즘 취직하기가 어려운 것 같아요.
    그건 경제가 안 좋은 탓이겠죠.
It seems difficult to find job these days.
    That's due to the economic is not good.

8. 어젯밤에 게임을 늦게까지 한 탓에 아침에 늦게 일어났어요.
Because I played game late last night, I wake up late in the morning.

9. 오랫동안 만나지 못한 탓에 그녀를 못 알아봤어요.
I couldn't recognize the woman because it has been as long time I haven't met her.

10. 날씨가 추운 탓에 감기에 걸렸어요.
I got a cold due to the cold weather.

Specific usage:
1. N 탓에 or A/V-(으)ㄴ/는 탓이다 can also be used.

E.g. 더운 날씨 탓에 (날씨가 더운 탓에) 잠을 못 자는 사람이 많아요. -- Many people can't sleep well due to the hot weather.

E.g. 그 배우가 폐암에 걸린 것은 담배를 많이 피운 탓이요. (=그 배우는 담배를 많이 피운 탓에 폐암에 걸렸어요.) -- The actor got lung cancer from smoking a lot.

2. -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에 is used for negative result only. In case of positive results, -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에 or 기 때문에 is used instead.

E.g. 친구가 도와준 덕분에 (not 도와준 탓에) 한국 생활을 잘할 수 있었어요. -- Because of the help of my friend, I was able to adapt well to life in Korean.

Comparison between -기 때문에, -는 바람에, -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에, and  -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에 :

1. Good vs Bad result.
- Good: -기 때문에, -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에
- Bad:  -기 때문에, -는 바람에, -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에
2. Cause type.
- All types: -기 때문에, -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에, -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에
- Unexpected cause: -는 바람에
3. Tense of 1st clause.
- All tenses: -기 때문에, -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에, -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에
- Present tense: -는 바람에
4. Tense of the 2nd clause.
- All types: -기 때문에, -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에, -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에
- Past tense: -는 바람에
5. Used with Adjective, Verb, and Noun.
- All types: -기 때문에, -(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에, -(으)ㄴ/는 탓에
- Verb only: -는 바람에


Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

L2G14 V-는 바람에 grammar = …as a result ~give an unexpected reason for a negative consequence

L2G14 V-는 바람에 grammar = … as a result  ~give an unexpected reason for a negative consequence.

- Express an unexpected/unintended reason/cause (1st clause) that negatively influences the consequence (2nd clause)
Verb :
- V-는 바람에

Examples :

1. 앤디 씨가 병원에 입원했다면서요?
    - 네, 교통사고가 나는 바람에 다쳐서 병원에 입원했대요.
I hear that Andy is in the hospital.
    - Yes, he got injured in a traffic accident and went to the hospital (as a result).

2. 그 선수가 금메달을 딸 줄 알았는데 왜 못 땄지요?
    - 경기를 하다가 넘어지는 바람에 금메달을 못 땄어요.
I thought that athlete would win the gold medal. I wonder why he didn't.
    - He got a fall during the match, so he didn't get the gold medal (as a result)

3. 휴대폰이 갑자기 고장 나는 바람에 연락을 못했어요.
My mobile suddenly got broken, so I couldn't contact you (as a result ).

4. 태풍이 오는 바람에 비행기가 취소됐어요.
There was a typhoon, so the flight was cancelled (as a result).

5. 길이 막히는 바람에 늦었어요.
The road got jammed, so I got late (as a result).

6. 친구가 갑자기 찾아오는 바람에 파티에 못 갔어요.
My friend suddenly visited, so I couldn't go the party (as a result).

7. 가방을 어떻게 하다가 잃어버렸어요?
    - 지하철에서 조는 바람에 가방을 놓고 내렸어요.
How come you lost your bag like that?
    - I got slept in the subway, so I put it there and got off (as a result).

8. 숙제하다가 잠을 드는 바람에 숙제를 못 했어요.
I got slept while doing homework, so I couldn't finish it.

9. 급한 일이 생기는 바람에 세미나에 참석할 수 없었어요.
I got an urgent work to do, so I couldn't attend the seminar (as a result).

10. 회의가 늦게 끝나는 바람에 많이 늦었어요.
Because of the meeting finishing late, I came very late.

Specific usage :

1. Only verb can be precede -는 바람에

E.g. 날씨가 갑자기 추워진 바람에  감기가 걸렸어요. (not 추운 바람에).

2. The 2nd clause must end in past tense

E.g. 날씨가 갑자기 추워진 바람에  감기가 걸렸어요. (not 걸러요.)

3. Imperative and proposition form can’t be used (since only past tense form can follow -는 바람에).

E.g. 신용카드를 잃어버리는 바람에 은행에 갔어요. (not 가십시오/ 갈까요?)


Jumat, 24 Februari 2017

L2G13 V-느라고 grammar = because… ~give reason for a negative consequence.

L2G13 V-느라고 grammar = because… ~give reason for a negative consequence.

Usage :
- Give a reason (1st clause) for a negative consequence or result (2nd clause)
- Can be shortened to -느라

Tense :

Verb: V-느라고

Examples :

1. 안나 씨, 왜 숙제를 안 했어요?
- 어젯밤에 축구를 보느라고 숙제를 못 했어요.
Anna, why didn't you do your homework?
- Because I watched the football last night, I couldn't do my homework.

2. 주말에 뭐 하셨어요?
- 김장했어요. 김장하느라고 정말 힘들었어요.
What did you do in the weekend?
- I made kimchi. Because of that, I was really exhausted.

3. 요즘 앤디 씨가 어떻게 지내요?
- 기말 시험 공부하느라고 정신이 없는 것 같아요.
How is Andy doing these days?
- He seems really busy due to preparing for the final exam.

4. 왜 늦었어요?
- 죄송해요. 친구를 만나느라고 늦었어요.
Why are you late?
- I am sorry, because I met my friend, so I was late.

5. 요즘 아르바이트하느라고 바빠요.
Because of doing part-time job, so I am busy.

6. 아까 전화했는데 왜 안 받았어요?
- 운전하느라고 못 받았어요.
I just called you a while ago, but why you didn't receive the call?
Because I was driving, I couldn't receive your call.

7. 병원에 갔다 오느라고 파티에 못 갔어요.
Since I went to the hospital, I couldn't attend the party.

8. 보고서를 마무리 하느라고 야근했어요.
Because I was preparing the report, I worked overtime.

9. 급히 오느라고 깜빡 잊어 버렸어요
Because I was quickly coming, I completely forgot

10. 화장품을 많이 사느라고 돈이 다 썼어요.
Because I bought a lot of cosmetics, I spent all my money.

Specific usage :

1. -느라고 can be used with Verbs 고생하다 and 수고하다.

- 야근하느라고 수고하셨어요.
- 그 동안 우리를 가르치시느라고 고생 많으셨어요.

2. Only Verbs that require  the will of the subject or ‘a force of energy’ can precede -느라고

E.g .
- 교통사고 나느라고 회사를 지각했어요. (Wrong)
- 비가 많이 오느라고 등산에 못 갔어요. (Wrong)

3. The subject must be the same in both clauses.

4. The past tense form -았/었 cannot be used with -느라고

5. The proposition and imperative forms can't follow -느라고

- 노래를 부르느라고 노래방을 갑시다. (Wrong) / 노래를 부르러 노래방을 갑시다. (Correct)


Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

L2G12 A/V/N-잖아요 grammar = as you know/ recall...~remind something that listener forgot/unaware or scold for not following advice

L2G12 A/V/N-잖아요 grammar = as you know..., you might recall that..., didn’t I told that….

- 1st: State a reason that the listener should be aware of OR remind of something that the listener has apparently forgotten.
- 2nd: Scold or rebuke the listener for not following an advice OR for allowing something bad to happen after being warned. - Only used in casual speaking form (NOT in formal speaking or written form).

Tense :

Adjectives/ Verbs
- 과거 : -았/었잖아요
- 현재 : -잖아요
- 미래 : -(으)ㄹ 거잖아요.
- 과거 : 였짆아요.
- 현재 : (이)잖아요.
Examples :

1. 저 가수가 왜 좋아해요?
- 노래도 잘하고 멋있잖아요.
Why do you like that singer?
- He sings well and (as you know) is handsome too.

2. 마리 씨가 일본어를 정말 잘하네요.
- 마리 씨는 일본에서 공부했잖아요. 지난번에 마리 씨가 말했는데 생각 안나요?
Mary is really good at Japanese.
- (As you know) Mary studied in Japan. Don't you remember that she told us last time (we met).

3. 이번에도 안나 씨가 1등을 하네요.
- 안나 씨는 항상 열심히 공부하잖아요.
Anna got the 1st place again this time.
- (As you know) Anna always studied hard.

4. 마리 씨가 집에 온다고 해서 딸기를 좀 샀어요.
- 마리 씨는 딸기 알레르기가 있잖아요.
- 아, 그랬죠? 깜빡했네요.
Mary said she will visit our home, so I bought some strawberries.
- (You might recall that she is allergic to strawberries.
- Oh, really? I totally forgot that.
5. 엄마, 어떻게 해요? 학교에 눚겠어요.
- 그래서 어제 일찍 자라고 했잖아.
Mom, what should I do? I am going to be late for school
- Didn't I told you to go sleeping early last night.

6. 그 남자가 알고 보니 정말 나쁜 사람이었어요.
- 그러 보자. 내가 뭐라고 했어. 그 사람 나쁜 사람 같다고 했잖아요.
Once I got to know him, I realized that he was really a bad person.
- Look. What I did tell you. Didn't I told that he seemed to be a bad person.

7. 시험에 떨어졌어요.
- 그래서 제가 뭐라고 했어요? 평소에 열심히 공부하고 했잖아요.
I failed the exam.
- Now what did I tell you. Didn't I always told you to study hard.

8. 주말에 남이섬에 갔다 올래요?
- 남이섬은 너무 멀잖아요. 가까운 데로 가면 좋겠어요.
Shall we go to Nami island in the weekend?
- (As you know) it is very far. It is better to go a near place.

9. 점심에 같이 김치찌개를 먹을까요?
- 밍 씨는 매운 음식을 못 먹잖아요. 맵지 않은 음식을 먹는 게 좋겠어요.
Shall we eat Kimchi stew at launch?
- As you know Minh can't eat spicy food. It is better to eat a non-spicy food.

10. 오늘 앤디 씨가 귀국하네요.
- 어제 말했잖아요.
Andy returns his country.
- Didn't I told you yesterday. (Don’t you remember).


Sabtu, 18 Februari 2017

L2G11 A/V/N-거든요 grammar = because... ~express reasons that listener has no idea about

L2G11 A/V/N-거든요 grammar = ...(because)... ~express reason

- Used to respond to a question/statement to provide the reason or thinking (which the listener has no idea about reason or facts stated by the speaker.)
- Only used in casual speaking form between friends or peers. (NOT used in written form or formal speaking)

Adjective/ Verb :
- 과거 : -았/었거든요
- 현재 : -거든요 - 미래 : -(으)ㄹ 거거든요
Noun :
- 과거 : 였거든요
- 현재 : (이)거든요

1. 안나 씨, 오늘도 이 식당에 가려고요?
- 네, 여기가 정말 맛있거든요. 앤디 씨가 같이 갈래요?
Anna, are you planning to go to this restaurant again today?
- Yes, (because) the food here is really delicious. Do you want to go too, Andy?

2. 오늘 왜 그렇게 피곤해 보여요?
- 어제 영화를 보느라고 잠을 못 잤거든요.
Why do you looked so tired today?
- (Because) I couldn’t sleep well since I watched a movie yesterday.

3. 제주도에 갔을 때 한라산에 올라갔어요?
- 아니요, 못 갔어요. 날씨가 안 좋았거든요.
Did you go up Mt. Hallasan when you went to Jeju?
- No, I didn't. Since the weather was bad.

4. 요즘 비가 정말 자주 오네요.
- 요즘 장마철이거든요. 한 달 동안 계속 올 거예요.
It’s has been raining a lot recently.
- Since it is currently the rainy season. It will rain for a month.

5. 공항에 무슨 일로 가세요?
- 오늘 부모님이 한국에 오시거든요.
How come do you go to the airport?
- Because today my parents come to Korea.

6. 주말에 그 드라마를 보셨어요?
- 아니요, 못 봤어요. 친구랑 약속이 있었어요.
Did you watch that drama in weekend?
- No, I couldn't. Because I have an appointment with my friend.

7. 왜 음식을 이렇게 많이 준비해요?
- 집에 친구들이 많이 오거든요.
Why do you prepare this much food?
- Because many of my friends will come to my house.

8. 새 노트북을 샀네요?
- 네, 예전 노트북은 너무 느렸거든요. 그래서 새 노트북 샀어요.
Did you buy a new notebook?
- Yes, the previous one is very slow. So I bought a new one.

9. 되게 신나 보여요?
- 예, 내일 하와이으로 여행 가거든요.
You look so excited.
- Yes, since I will go for traveling in Hawaii tomorrow.

10. 왜 점심을 안 먹었어요?
- 아침을 너무 많이 먹었거든요.
Why didn't you eat lunch?
- Because I ate too much in the morning.

Specific usage :

1. When indicating a reason,  거든요 must come either after an initial statement made by the speaker or in response to a question asked by a listener.

E.g 좋아하는 가수 있어요? -- 노래를 잘해서 가수 ‘비’ 좋아해요. (NOT 노래를 잘하거든요. 가수 ‘비’를 좋아해요.)
Is there any singer you like? -- I like ‘Rain’, because he sings well.

2. Provide a hint to the listener that the speaker has more to say.

E.g 죄송한데요. 이 근처에 은행이 어디에 있어요? -- 이 길로 쭉 가시면 편의점이 나오거든요. 편의점 건너편에 은행이 있어요.
Excuse me, do you know if there is a bank nearby? -- If you go straight on this road, you will see a convenience store. There is a bank across from the convenience store.


Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

L02G10 A/V/N-(으)ㄴ/는데도 grammar = although..., despite..., but ~emphasize a contrast

L02G10 A/V/N-(으)ㄴ/는데도 grammar = although..., despite..., ….but…

Usage :
- Equal to -(으)ㄴ/는데 (describes discussed situation) + -아/어도 (indicates contrast).
- Introduce an opposite situation in the 2nd clause compared to the 1st clause.
- The phrase 불구하고 can be added after -(으)ㄴ/는데도 to further emphasize contrast.
Tense :

Adjective :
- 과거 : -았/었는데도
- 현재 : -(으)ㄴ데도
Verb :
- 과거 : -았/었는데도
- 현재 : -는데도
Noun :
- 과거 : 였는데도
- 현대 : 인데도

Examples :

1. 여보, 입을 옷이 하나도 없어서 몇 벌 사야겠어요.
- 옷장에 옷이 이렇게 많은데도 또 옷을 산다고?
Dear, I am out of clothes, so I shall buy some more.
- Although you have a lot of clothes in the closet, you want to buy more?

2. 얼굴이 피곤해 보이네요. 어제 잠을 못 잤어요?
- 어제 푹 잤는데도 오늘 많이 피곤하네요.
You look tired. Couldn't you sleep last night?
- Although I got a good sleep, I am really tired today.

3. 친구는 월급이 많은데도 회사를 그만두고 싶어해요.
Despite getting a good salary, my friend wants to quit his job.

4. 아침에 청소를 했는데도 집에 먼지가 많아요.
Although I cleaned my house in the morning,  there is still a lot of dust.

5. 주말은데도 백화점이 한가하네요.
Although it is weekend, the department store is not busy.

6. 바쁘신데도 불구하고 와 주셔서 감사합니다.
Thank you for coming despite being very busy.

7. 한국에 오래 살았는데도 한국어를 잘 못해요.
Although I have lived in Korea long, I can't speak Korean well.

8. 공부를 하지 않았는데도 성적이 좋아요.
Although I didn't study, I get good grade.

9. 제가 힘들게 집안일을 하고 있는데도 남편은 신문만 보잖아요.
Although I am doing housework hardly, my husband just read newspapers.

10. 계속 잤는데도 감기가 낫지 않아요.
Even though I keep sleeping, the cold is not getting better.
