Kamis, 15 Juli 2021

Irregular Korean passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix = to be V-ed

Irregular Korean passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix = to be V-ed

- Irregular passive verbs with (-이/히/리/기) suffix are used to express a passive statement when the subject's action occurs because of an action directly/indirectly performed by someone else/something = to be V-ed
- The irregular passive verbs must be memorized (similar to irregular verbs in English)

List of typical -이/히/리/기 passive verbs:

이: Verb stems that have no 받침, or verb stems with a 받침 that doesn’t change it’s sound when it comes before ㅎ (usually ㅎ, ㄲ, ㅍ).
- 바꾸다 = to change –> 바다 = to be changed
- 보다 = to see –> 보다 = to be seen
- 놓다 = to place –> 놓다 = to be placed
- 섞다 = to mix –> 섞다 = to be mixed
- 덮다 = to cover –> 덮다 = to be covered
- 쓰다 = to use/write  –> 쓰다 = to be used/written

히: Verb stems with 받침 that does change it’s sound when it comes before ㅎ (usually ㅂ, ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅈ).
- 잡다 = to catch –> 잡다 = to be caught
- 밟다 = to step on –> 밟다 = to be stepped on
- 막다 = to block –> 막다 = to be blocked
- 닫다 = to close –> 닫다 = to be closed
- 잊다 = to forget –> 잊다 = to be forgotten
- 먹다 = to eat  –> 먹다 = to be eaten

리: Verb stems with ㄹ 받침, or irregular verbs that change their 받침 to ㄹ in most conjugations (듣다 –> 들어).
- 열다 = to open –> 열다 = to be opened
- 듣다 = to hear –> 들다 = to be heard
- 자르다 = to cut –> 잘다 = to be cut
- 뚫다 = to pierce –> 뚫다 = to be pierced
- 팔다 = to sell   –> 팔다 = to be sold
- 밀다 = to push   –> 밀다 = to be pushed
- 풀다 = to untie >  = to be untied 
- 물다 = to bite >  = to be bite 

기: Verb stems with other 받침 that doesn’t change it’s sound when it comes before ㅎ (usually ㅁ, ㄴ, ㅅ, ㅊ).
- 담다 = to fill –> 담다 = to be filled
- 잠그다 = to lock –> 잠다 = to be locked
- 안다 = to hold –> 안다 = to be held
- 씻다 = to wash –> 씻다 = to be washed
- 쫓다 = to chase –> 쫓다 = to be chased
- 끊다 = to cut  –> 끊다 = to be cut off


1. N2이/가 N1에/게 V-이/히/리/기 (passive)   <=  N1이가 N2을/를 V  (active)
범인이 경찰에게 잡혔어요.
The criminal was caught by the police.

2. N이/가 V-이/히/리/기 (passive) <= N을/를 V  (active)
제 전화번호가 바뀌었어요.
My phone number has changed.

3. N2이/가 N1에 V-이/히/리/기+아/어 있다 (passive) <= N1에 N2을/를 V (active)
시계가 벽에 걸려 있어요.
The clock is hanging on the wall.


1.  아이가 할아버지에게 안겼어요. (피동) -- 아이가 인형을 안아요. (능동)
The child was held by the grandfather (Passive verb) -- The child hugs a doll. (Active verb)

2. 문이 열렸어요. / 열려 있어요. (마리 씨가 문을 열어요.)
The door is opened./ the door is open. (Mary opens the door).

3. 바다가 보여요 (나는 바다를 봐요).
The beach is seen by me (I see the beach).

4. 주소가 바뀌었어요 (나는 주소를 바꾸었어요).
The address was changed (I changed my address).

5. 도둑이 경찰에게 잡혔어요 (경찰이 도둑을 잡았어요).
The thief was arrested by the policeman (The policeman arrested the thief).

6. 그 책은 많은 사람들에게 읽힙니다 (많은 사람들이 그 책을 읽습니다).
That book is read by lots of people (Lots of people read that book).

7. 밖에서 음악 소리가 들려요 (음악 소리를 들어요).
The music sound is heard outside. (I hear the music sound).

8. 요즘 이 잡지가 잘 팔려요 (잡지를 팔아요).
This magazine is sold very well these days.

9. 전화가 끊겼어요 (전화를 끊었어요).
The telephone was disconnected.

10. 쥐가 고양이에게 (cat) 쫓겨요. (고양이가 쥐를 쫓아요).
A mouse is chased by a cat. (A cat chased a mouse).

"Special passive verbs" describe state of object: V-이/히/리/기 +아/어 있다 

1. 문에 3급반이라고 쓰여 있어요.
The level 3 class is written on the door.

2. 교실 문이 잠겨 있어요.
The classroom's door is (being) locked.

3. 창문이 닫혀 있어요.
The window is close.

4. 가방이 열려 있어요.
The bag is open.

5. 책상 위에 예쁜 꽃병이 놓여 있어요.
A flower vase is put on the table.

6. 휴게실에 그림이 여러 개 걸려 있어요.
Many types of drawings is hung in the lounge.


Rabu, 14 Juli 2021

Reading Korean with culture 1-4 PDF eBook

Reading Korean with culture
is a textbook series for beginner and advanced learners in reading Korean. It consists of various subjects and genres for reading Korean with culture. 

The book series enables the students to learn Korean through various genres of articles step-by-step from level 1 to level 6.

By reading diverse topics related to Korean culture, learners can build their reading abilities as well as their overall communication skills spanning from reading to listening, speaking, and writing.

The books features:

- Diverse sections including writings, essays, and explanatory notes related to Korean culture.

- Comprehensive language function with writing and talking exercises before and after reading.

- Enabling students to summarize and restructure the core ideas of each paragraph.

- Step-by-step vocabulary learning and reading from basic cultural understanding to comparative cultural discussions.

The book series has a total of 6 volumes:

Reading Korean with culture 1 & 2 are designed for beginner stage

Reading Korean with culture 3 & 4 are designed for intermediate stage

Reading Korean with culture 5 & 6 are designed for advance stage

How to purchase the books:

If you are living outside of Korea, you can buy the textbooks from the publisher site

If you are living in Korea, you can order the books from Coupang with 10% discount for every books and next day delivery.

We collected some ebook pdf files (level 1 to 4) of the books from different sources around the Internet. 

You may get a copy at: Reading Korean with culture 1-4 pdf


Selasa, 13 Juli 2021

V-아/어지다 grammar = to be V-ed ~a passive form that is used with verbs without -이/히/리/기-affix

V-아/어지다 grammar = to be V-ed ~a passive form used with verbs without -이/히/리/기-affix

- V-아/어지다 is used to express a passive statement when the subject's action occurs because of an action directly/indirectly performed by someone else/something = get V-ed 
V-아/어지다 is mostly used with verbs without -이/히/리/기- affix.

(Present) Verb + 아/어지다
켜다 -> 켜지다 (be turned on) 
꺼다 -> 꺼지다 (be turned off)
쏟다 -> 쏟아지다 (be spilled out)
깨다 -> 깨지다 (be broken)
고치다 -> 고쳐지다 (be fixed)

(Past) Verb + 아/어졌어요
켜다 -> 켜다 (was turned on) 
꺼다 -> 꺼다 (was turned off)
쏟다 -> 쏟아다 (was spilled out)
깨다 -> 깨다 (was broken)
고치다 -> 고쳐다 (was fixed)

(Future) Verb + 아/어질 거예요
쏟다 -> 쏟아질 거예요 (will be spilled out)
깨다 -> 깨질 거예요 (will be broken)
고치다 -> 고쳐질 거예요 (will be fixed)

Specific usage:
1. Active and passive form conversion
Active: 접시를 깼어요. \\ Passive: 접시가 깨졌어요. 
I broke the disk. \\  The disk was broken.

2. In recent years, -이/히/리/기- passive verbs can also be used in form of -아/어지다
전화가 끊겼어요. / 전화가 끊어졌어요. 
The phone call was ended.

공책에 글씨가 쓰여 있어요./ 써져 있어요. 
Letters are written on the notebook.

3. A-아/어지다 = to get/become A ~ express a change in state over time. (See A-아/어지다 grammar for details.)
요즘은 물건 값이 비싸졌어요. 
The expense cost has recently become expensive.

미나 씨가 정말 예뻐졌어요. 
Mina has really become pretty.

날씨는 주말에 추워졌어요. 
The weather got cold over the weekend


1. 우리 반 친구들하고 언제 식사할까요?
- 저는 아무 때나 괜찮아요. 약속이 정해지면 알려 주세요.
When shall we eat with our classmates?
- Anytime is fine with me. Please let me know when it gets decided.

2. 왜 그렇게 힘들게 쓰고 있어요?
- 볼펜이 안 좋은 것 같아요. 글씨가 잘 안 써져요.
Why do you look so hard on writing?
- I think there is a problem with my pen. It doesn’t write well.

3. 텔레비전이 안 켜져요. 고장이 난 것 같아요.
My TV doesn’t turn on. It seems broken.

4. 커피가 다 쏟아져서 내 옷에 얼룩이 생겼어요.
The coffee spilled out, so my clothes got stained.

5. 누가 유리창을 깼어요?
- 잘 모르겠어요. 아침에 보니까 깨져 있었어요.
Who did the window glass get broken?
- I don’t know. It was broken since I saw in the morning.

6.  날씨가 너무 추우니까 빨리 봄이 오면 좋겠어요.
- 저도 봄이 기다려져요. 봄이 되면 예쁜 꽃도 보고 싶어요.
It will be better when the spring comes since the weather is really cold (now).
- I also wait for spring. When it is spring, I want to see beautiful flowers.

7.  왜 자꾸 다시 물어봐요?
- 수미 씨가 결혼한다는 사실이 안 믿어져요.
Why do you keep asking me again?
- I can’t believe the fact that Sumi is getting married.

8. 마크가 스크립트에 써졌어요./쓰였어요.
The mark was written on the script.

9. 아까 방 불이 다 꺼졌어요.
All the room lights were turned off a while ago.

10. 다행히 내 휴대폰이 무료로 고쳐졌어요
Luckily, my phone was fixed freely.


Minggu, 11 Juli 2021

How to register for a KIIP class with proper time and location on socinet.go.kr (from 2021)

2021 Guide to apply for a KIIP class with proper time and location on socinet.go.kr

In order to apply for a KIIP class, you have to meet one of the following conditions:
- 1st: take a level test (사전평가) and get your assigned level based on your test score
- 2nd: submit your valid TOPIK test score online or by visiting your local immigration office and get your assigned level
- 3nd: apply for the KIIP program and start from level 0 (without taking the level test)

KIIP class policy: 

There are 3 semesters each year. New KIIP Level 0 to 5 classes are about to open at the starting of each semester. You should check available classes 1-2 weeks in advance before the semester starts.  KIIP Level 0 and 5 classes can also be found in the middle of the semester because of the short class hours. 

KIIP 1st semester: 04 Jan - 02 May  || 2nd semester: 03 May - 15 Aug || 3rd semester: 16 Aug - 12 Dec.

* New policy from 2020:

  • Class registration time is changed from 0:00 AM to 9:00 AM. 
  • Due to the COVID19 pandemic, all KIIP classes are conducted online, so there is no restriction on the class location that you intend to apply for. 

Good point: This means you don't have to wait until midnight to register for class anymore.
Bad point: It is more difficult to register for class since more people want to apply for the same class.

Here are a step-by-step guide for applying a KIIP class:

Step 1: Visit www.socinet.go.kr, click 회원로그인 button, then enter your ID and password. After signed in, click 마이페이지 button at the top right corner of the page.

Step 2: In 마이페이지, click 과정신청 to start applying for a KIIP class.

Based on your assigned level, a list of corresponding classes will appear to register.
E.g. Your assigned level is 3, only level 3 classes will appear in the list.

Step 3: In the 과정신청 page, scroll down to see the class list. Since all KIIP classes are conducted online, you can apply for any class, regardless of its location. 

The list of classes will be updated frequently, make sure to check it often.

You should focus on the marked column as below:

- 운영기관명 = name of the institution conducting the class 
주소 = class location (check the location on google map whether it is close or convenient to you)
- 과정및단계 = class level (in level 5, you will see both 50h and 20h classes)
신청시간 = registration time (the registration opening time starts at 9:00 AM, so make sure to login your account before that 5 or 10 minutes)
정원 (동포 / 그외) = maximum number of (overseas Korean Visas / other Visas) students in the class (e.g. 3/12 students)
신청 (동포 / 그외) = number of applied students (e.g. 1/11 students out of 3/12 students)
대기 (동포 / 그외) = number of students in waiting list (0/3 waiting students)

Step 4: After locating a suitable class, click on the name of the institution conducting the class.

You should see the following items:

과정시간 (red) = the time period of the class (e.g. 2021.07.04 ~ 2021.07.18 = 0.5 months)
요일 = day of the week that the class opens ( = Monday,  = Tuesday,  = Wednesday,  = Thursday,  = Friday,  = Saturday,  = Sunday)
과정시간 (blue) = class time
인정시간 = number of hours per class
After checking all the above information, click 신청 at the bottom right corner and confirm again to register.

Step 5: Click the 목록조회 button, next to the 신청 button. If the applied class in the list becomes blue, you have successfully registered for a KIIP class.

Note that Near the starting day of your class, if the number of registered students is much less than its quota, e.g. (신청) 1/4 out of (정원) 3/12, the class will likely be canceled. You should cancel your current class registration and apply for another class with more registered students.

Also, before the starting day of your class 1 or 2 days, your class teacher will contact you in advance via text message or kakaotalk. 

For more detailed guide to a KIIP online class, please refer to this post:


Sabtu, 10 Juli 2021

Customized Korean 1-6 PDF +Audio +Teacher's books (맞춤 한국어) for English-speaking Children

맞춤 한국어 1-6 or Customized Korean 1-6 is a Korean language book series for English-Speaking Children provided by National Institute for International Education

The textbook was designed with Korean  school curricula in mind. Each book is comprised of  16 units, so 1 unit can be covered in a week (1 unit per week, each lesson lasting 2-3  hours).
Considering that the target learners  are residing outside of Korea, the textbook  also includes a separate Korean Culture  section to let learners naturally learn about  Korea and its culture, eventually enabling  students to cultivate an open mind towards  the world. In addition, acknowledging that  many learners may be at pre-school age,  efforts were made to accommodates young  children’s developmental characteristics and  needs. Also, as the main target learners may  be English-speakers, the textbook provides  most text, including the main content,  instructions in practice activities, and cultural  notes in both Korean and English. In addition,  a vocabulary index, English translations of  the Korean text, and unit-by-unit English summaries are provided as appendices. Also  in the appendix, there is a grammar section  that will enable parents with little or no  knowledge to help their children learn the  language at home.

There are several special features to this  textbook. First, proper sentence structure  formation, rather than excessive grammar  rules, constitutes the main focus of each  chapter. The aim of the book is to have  students use the language they learn right  away at home or with their peers and thus the  book espouses a decidedly practical approach  to learning. To this end, students learn by  engaging in a variety of activities intended to  reduce anxieties related to learning. Secondly,  all text are composed in the ‘해요’ ending, as  the ‘해요’ ending is most frequently used in  everyday Korean. Thirdly, in order to reduce  confusion and increase readability, the book  utilizes the Gothic type font.

The textbook is comprised of 16 units.  Lessons 1 through 10 help students get  acquainted with Korean vowels and  consonants, while lessons 11 through 16  contain basic sentence patterns and simple  expressions. The lessons that deal with  vowels and consonants were designed so  that beginning learners can become easily  accustomed to the sounds and spellings of  Hangul. The book also introduces an array  of new vocabulary with objects that students  frequently see in their daily lives to increase  familiarity. Lessons 11 through 16 introduce simple dialogues and descriptive texts. The lessons start with ‘Let’s learn’, where students are introduced to new vocabulary and sentence patterns, then go on to ‘Let’s listen’, ‘Let’s talk’ and ‘Let’s write’, which are activities that help students practice speaking and  writing in Korean, and the lesson ends with  ‘Let’s look at Korean culture’.

The Book 1 is a textbook for children ages 5 to 6 and is aimed at enabling children to become casually acquainted with Korean by providing repeated input of Korean vowels and consonants and basic Korean sentence structures. The textbook provides a variety of exciting activities to give young beginning learners of Korean the impression that learning Korean is fun and easy:

Book 2 is  a textbook for lower grade primary school  children and is aimed at enabling children  to become casually acquainted with Korean  by providing repeated input of basic Korean  sentence structures. The textbook provides a  variety of exciting activities to give young  beginning learners of Korean the impression  that learning Korean is fun and easy:

Three volume of the text  are used as a core text to instruct second  and third year elementary school students  in the rudiments of Korean language related  to daily life. The book contains interesting  subjects and a variety of activities to facilitate  learning:

Four volume of the text  are used as a core text to instruct third and  fourth year elementary school students in  the rudiments of Korean language related  to daily life. The book contains interesting  subjects and a variety of activities to facilitate  learning:

Five volume of the text  are used as a core text to instruct third and  fourth year elementary school students in  the rudiments of Korean language related  to daily life. The book contains interesting  subjects and a variety of activities to facilitate  learning:

Six volume of the text  are used as a core text to instruct third and  fourth year elementary school students in  the rudiments of Korean language related  to daily life. The book contains interesting  subjects and a variety of activities to facilitate  learning.

Keywords: 맞춤 한국어 pdf, Customized Korean pdf, Korean book for Children

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