Jumat, 30 April 2021

Download TOPIK 1 Essential Grammar 101

Download TOPIK 1 Essential Grammar 101

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Minggu, 25 April 2021

87 Korean Grammars for Beginners (TOPIK I Grammars)

87 Korean Grammars for Beginners is a free Korean grammar library made online by Korean Topik  (www.koreantopik.com) for Korean learners features:

- Concise and clear grammar explanation
- Variety of daily life based examples
- Comparing grammars to avoid confusion

Hope you enjoy the lessons.

1. Expressing Korean Alphabets, Numbers, Dates and Times in Korean

1.1 Korean Alphabet: How to Read, Write, and Pronounce

1.2 Numbers in Korean = Sino-Korean and Native-Korean

1.3 Dates and Times in Korean = reading Year/Month/Date/Day & Hour/Minute

2. Expressing Tenses and Negation in Korean

2.1 Present Tense in Korean = A/V/N-(스)ㅂ니다 or A/V-아/어요.

2.2 Past and Past Perfect Tense in Korean = A/V-았/었어요 and A/V-았/었었어요.

2.3 Future and Progressive Tense in Korean = V-(으)ㄹ 거예요 and V-고 있다

2.4 Negative Expressions in Korean = (1) 아니다, 없다, 모르다; (2) V-지 않다, 안 V; (3) 못 V, V-지 못하다

3. How to Use Particles in Korean

3.1 N-은/는 vs 이/가 = 'topic marker' vs 'subject marker' in Korean

3.3 N와/과, N (이)랑, N하고 = 'and' ~ listing particle in Korean

3.4 N에, N에서 time & place particles in Korean = at/on (time), in/on/at/to (place)

3.5 N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지, N에게/한테(서) grammar = from…to, from..until, to/from N

3.6 N도, N만, N밖에 particles = also/too, only/just, only/nothing but

3.7 N(으)로, N쯤 particles = to/by/using, about/around

3.8 N(이)나, N처럼/ N같이 particles = or/no less than, like/same

3.9 N보다, N마다 particles in Korean = more...than/-er...than, every/all

4. Expressing Listing and Contrast in Korean 

5. Expressing Time Events in Korean 

7. Expressing Demands, Permission, and Prohibition in Korean

8. Expressing Hopes in Korean

9. Expressing Reasons and Causes in Korean

10. Expressing Requests and Assisting in Korean

12. Expressing Suggestions and Asking Opinions in Korean


13. Expressing Plans and Intentions  in Korean

14. Expressing Purpose and Intention in Korean

16. Expressing Conjecture (or Guess) in Korean

17. Expressing Suffix Changes in Parts of Speech 

22. Irregular Conjugations and Common Connective Adverbs in Korean


Download All TOPIK Tests PDF +Answer +Audio (update 64th test)

TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean - 한국어능력시험) is a language test designed to measure the ability of non-native speakers for expression and comprehension in the Korean language.

From July 2014 (the 35th TOPIK test), the TOPIK test structure has changed from 3 tests to 2 tests (TOPIK I and TOPIK II). For more details, visit: Complete TOPIK Guideline

Since then, all TOPIK tests are not shared publicly anymore, but only 1 test/year until 2019. From 2020, all tests won't be published anymore. The most recent shared TOPIK tests are listed as follows:

In 2021 - the 76th TOPIK test (unofficial release)
In 2019 - the 64th TOPIK test (official release)
In 2019 - the 66th TOPIK test (unofficial release)
In 2019 - the 63rd TOPIK test (unofficial release)
In 2018 - the 60th TOPIK test (official release)
In 2017 - the 52nd TOPIK test (official release)
In 2016 - the 47th TOPIK test (official release)
In 2015 - the 41st TOPIK test (official release)
In 2014 - the 37th TOPIK test (official release)
In 2014 - the 35th TOPIK test (official release)

We collected all past TOPIK tests available and brought them All-in-One here. Hope you prepare well for the upcoming tests.

Follow the below link to download the past TOPIK Tests:

1. 64th TOPIK 1 Test 2019 (Paper PDF +Answer keys +Audio)
1. 64th TOPIK 2 Test 2019 (Paper PDF +Answer keys +Audio)

2. 76th TOPIK 2 2021 - Writing (PDF + Sample answers) 

2. 66th TOPIK 1 2019 - Listening & Reading (PDF + Answer)
2. 66th TOPIK 2 2019 - Listening & Reading (PDF + Answer)
2. 66th TOPIK 2 2019 - Writing (PDF + Sample answers)

3. 63rd TOPIK 1 2019 - Listening & Reading (PDF + Answer +Script)
3. 63rd TOPIK 2 2019 -Reading Test (PDF + Answer)
3. 63rd TOPIK 2 2019 -Listening Test (PDF + Answer +Script)
3. 63rd TOPIK 2 2019 -Writing Test (PDF + Sample answers)

4. 60th TOPIK 1 2018 - Reading (PDF + Answer )
4. 60th TOPIK 12018 - Listening (PDF + Answer +Script)
4. 60th TOPIK 2 2018 -Reading Test (PDF + Answer)
4. 60th TOPIK 2 2018 -Listening Test (PDF + Answer +Script)
4. 60th TOPIK 2 2018 -Writing Test (PDF + Sample answers)

5. 52nd TOPIK 1 2017 -Listening & Reading (PDF + Online Test)
5. 52nd TOPIK 2 2017 -Listening & Reading (PDF + Online Test)

6. 47th TOPIK 1 2016 -Listening & Reading (PDF + Online Test)
6. 47th TOPIK 2 2016 -Listening & Reading (PDF + Online Test)

7. 41st TOPIK 1 2015 -Listening & Reading (PDF + Online Test)
7. 41st TOPIK 2 2015 -Listening & Reading (PDF + Online Test)

8. 37th, 35th....TOPIK Tests PDF +Answer keys +Audio

Bonus: TOPIK 2 Writing Answer Sheet for practicing writing.

Click here to download PDF file for Printing
TOPIK 2 Writing Answer Sheet

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Senin, 12 April 2021

Common connective Korean adverbs: 그래서, 그러나, 그럼, 그런데, 그래도

Common connective Korean adverbs: 그리고, 그러나, 그래서, 그럼, 그런데, 그래도

1. 그리고 = and

농구를 좋아해요. 그리고 축구도 아해요.
I like basketball. And I also like football.

주말에 친구를 만났어요. 그리고 같이 영화를 봤어요.
I met a friend on weekend. And we saw a movie together.

2. 그렇지만 = 하지만 = 그러나 = however, but

- Used when the content of the 1st sentence is in contrast with that of the 2nd sentence.
- 그렇지만 has same meaning as 하지만 and 그러나, but 하지만 is used mainly in colloquial speech, and 그러나 is used mainly in written style.

한국어는 영어와 다릅니다. 그렇지만 배우기 어렵지 않습니다.
Korean is different from English. But it is not difficult to learn.

고기를 좋아해요. 하지만 채소를 싫어요.
I like meat. But I don't like vegetables.

3. 그래서 = so

- Used when the 1st sentence is the reason or cause for the result described in the second sentence.

외국 사람입니다. 그래서 한국말을 못 합니다.
I am a foreigner, so I can't speak Korean.

퇴근 시간이에요. 그래서 길이 막혀요.
It's rush hour so there's a lot of traffic.

4. 그러니까 = therefore, so

- User when the 1st sentence is inevitable or natural reason for the 2nd sentence.
- 그러니까 is often followed by (으)세요, (으)ㅂ시다, 아/어야 하다, or (으)ㄹ 거다.

비가 와요. 그러니까 우산을 가져가세요.
It's raining. Therefore, take an umbrella with you.

이 영화는 재미없어요. 그러니까 다른 영화를 봅시다.
This movie is boring. So, let's see another movie.

자동차가 고장 났어요. 그러니까 버스를 타야 해요.
The car broke down, so we have to the bus.

5. 그러면 = 그럼 = then

- Used when the 1st sentence is the assumption behind the 2nd sentence
- 그럼 is often used in colloquial speech in stead of 그러면

나는 피곤할 때 목욕을 해요. 그러면 기본이 좋아져요.
When I am tired, I take a bath. Then I feel better.

점심시산이에요. 배가 고파요.
- 그럼 같이 식당에 가서 식사할까요?
It's lunchtime. I am hungry.
- Then, shall we go to a restaurant and have lunch together.

6. 그런데 = (1) however, (2)and then, (3) by the way

- (1) Used when the 1st and 2nd sentence are in contrast = 그렇지만 = however

아버지는 키가 작아요. 그런데 아들은 키가 커요.
The father is short. However his son is tall.

- (2) Used when the 1st sentence provides background information for the 2nd sentence = and then

어제 대전 시청에 갔어요. 그런데 거기에서 대통령을 봤러요.
I went to the Daejeon government complex yesterday. And then I saw the president there.

- (3) Used when the speaker gives a new topic rather than talking about the topic under discussion = by the way

올해 나이가 어떻게 되세요?
- 네? 저, 그런데 지금 몇 시예요?
How old are you this year?
- Pardon? I, by the way, what time is it now?

7. 그래도 = but (still), nevertheless

- Used to indicate what is stated in the 2nd sentence is true regardless of what is stated in the 1st sentence.

아까 밥을 많이 먹였어요. 그래도 배가 고파요.
I ate so much a little while ago. But I am still hungry.

5년 동안 한국에서 살았어요. 그래도 아직 한국말을 잘 못해요.
I lived in Korea for 5 years. But I still can't speak Korean well.

그 여자는 나를 좋아하지 않아요. 그래도 나는 그 여자를 좋아해요.
That girl doesn't like me. But I still like her.


Minggu, 11 April 2021

Korean ㅎ, ㅡ, ㄹ, 르-irregular verbs and adjectives (Part 2)

Korean ㅎ, ㅡ, ㄹ, 르-irregular verbs and adjectives (Part 2)

- Similar to English, Korean also has irregular verbs and adjectives.
- The regularity/irregularity depends on the stem of the verbs and adjectives that is subject to variation.
- Verbs and adjectives whose stem do not change, "regardless of the sound of the following suffix", are called regular verbs/adjectives
- Verbs and adjectives whose stem varies "depending on the sound of the following suffix" are called irregular verbs/adjectives.
- There are 7 irregular conjugations in Korean: ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅎ, 르, ㄹ, ㅡ
- In this lesson, we will focus on the remained 4 ㅎ, ㅡ, 르, and ㄹ-irregular conjugations first. The remained 3 irregular conjugations can be found in the previous lesson.

4. ㅎ-irregular --> (omitted)

- Irregular verbs and adjectives ending with ㅎ, ㅎ is omitted when added to an ending that begins with a vowel.

- when ending begins with 으, ㅎ and 으 are both omitted
E.g., 하얗다 (white) + 은 --> 하얀
까맣다 (black) + 으니까 --> 까마니까

- when ending begins with 아/어, ㅎ is omitted and ㅣis added
E.g., 하얗다 (white) + 아요 --> 하얘요
까맣다 (black) + 아사 --> 까매서

하얗다 (white) -->하얗습니다 --> 하얘요 --> 하야면 --> 하얀
까맣다 (black) --> 까맣습니다 --> 까매요 --> 까마면 --> 까만
노랗다 (yellow) -->노랗습니다 --> 노래요 --> 노라면 --> 노란
파랗다 (blue) --> 파랗습니다 --> 파래요 --> 파라면 --> 파란
빨갛다 (red) --> 빨갛습니다 --> 빨개요 --> 빨가면 --> 빨간
이렇다 (like this)--> 이렇습니다 --> 이래요 --> 이러면 --> 이런
그렇다 (like that)--> 그렇습니다 --> 그래요 --> 그러면 --> 그런
저렇다 (like that)--> 저렇습니다 --> 저래요 --> 저러면 --> 저런
어떻다 (how) --> 어떻습니다 --> 어때요 --> 어떠면 --> 어떤

백설공주는 머리는 까맣고 피부는 하얘요.
Snow White has black hair and white skin.

하늘은 파랗고 구름은 하얘서 그림 같아요.
The shy is blue and the clouds are white, just like a painting.

얼굴이 많이 까매졌네요.
- 휴가 때 바다에 갔다 와서 그래요.
Your face has turned to brown a lot
- That's because I went to the beach during vacation.

- Some adjectives and verbs endings with ㅎ are conjugated regularly.

낳다 (give birth) --> 낳습니다 --> 낳아요 --> 낳으면 --> 낳는
좋다 (good) --> 좋습니다 --> 좋아요 --> 좋으면 --> 좋은
넣다 (insert) -->넣습니다 --> 넣어요 --> 넣으면 --> 넣는
많다 (many) --> 많습니다 --> 많아요 --> 많으면 --> 많은

오늘 날씨가 정말 좋아요.
The weather today is very good.

그녀는 어젯밤에 딸을 낳았어요.
She gave birth to a daughter last night.

제 아내가 지금 아이를 낳고 있어요.
My wife is in labor.

카드를 넣으십시오.
Please insert your card.

5. 'ㅡ'-irregular --> (omitted)

- Irregular verbs and adjectives ending with ㅡ, ㅡ is omitted when added to an ending that begins with 아/어. The vowel that preceded ㅡ determined whether 아 or 어 is used in the ending.

예쁘다 (pretty) -->예쁩니다 --> 예뻐요
바쁘다 (busy)--> 바쁩니다 --> 바빠요
아프다 ( sick) -->아픕니다 --> 아파요
고프다 (hungry) --> 고픕니다 --> 고파요
크다 (big) --> 큽니다 --> 커요
나쁘다 (bad) -->나쁩니다 --> 나빠요
쓰다 (write, use)-->씁니다 --> 써요
끄다 (turn off) --> 끕니다 -->꺼요
따르다 (follow)-->따릅니다 --> 따라요
뜨다 (float)-->뜹니다 --> 떠요
기쁘다 (happy)--> 기쁩니다 --> 기뻐요
담그다 (soak) --> 담급니다 --> 담가요
슬프다 (sad) --> 슬픕니다 --> 슬퍼요

저는 요즘 많이 바빠요.
I am really busy these days

불 좀 꺼 주세요.
Please turn off the light.

시험을 못 봐서 기분이 나빠요.
I feel bad since I can't take the exam.

어제 배가 많이 아팠어요. 그래서 학교에 못 왔어요.
I had a bad stomachache yesterday. So I couldn't come to school.

6. ㄹ-irregular 

- Irregular verbs and adjectives ending with ㄹ, ㄹ is 

(1) omitted when added to endings beginning with ㄴ, ㅂ, ㅅ

(2) remained when added to endings starting with 으 or (으)ㄹ  such as (으)러, (으)세요, (으)ㅂ시다, (으)니까, (으)ㄴ/는, (으)ㄹ 때, (으)ㄹ게요, (으)ㄹ래요?, but (으) and (으)ㄹ are omitted.

살다 (live) --> 삽니다 --> 살아요 --> 사세요 --> 사니까 --> 살러 --> 삽시다 --> 사는 --> 살 때 --> 살게요
팔다 (sell) --> 팝니다 --> 팔아요 --> 파세요 --> 파니까 --> 팔러 --> 팝시다 --> 파는 --> 팔 때 --> 팔게요
만들다 (make) --> 만듭니다 --> 만들어요 --> 만드세요 --> 만드니까 --> 만들러 --> 만듭시다 --> 만드는
열다 (open) --> 엽니다 -->열어요 --> 여세요 --> 여니까 --> 여는
놀다 (play) --> 놉니다 --> 놀아요 --> 노세요 --> 노니까 --> 노는
알다 (know) --> 압니다 --> 알어요 --> 아세요 --> 아니까 --> 아는
멀다 (far) -->멉니다 --> 멀어요 --> 머세요 --> 머느까 --> 먼
달다 (sweet) -->답니다 --> 달어요 --> 다세요 --> 다니까 --> 단
물다 (bite) --> 뭅니다 --> 물어요 --> 무니까 --> 무는
돌다 (turn) -->돕니다 --> 돌어요 --> 도세요 --> 도니까 --> 도는
밀다 (push) -->밉니다 --> 밀어요 --> 미세요 --> 미니까 --> 미는
벌다 (earn) -->법니다 --> 벌어요 --> 버세요 --> 버니까 --> 버는
불다 (blow) -->붑니다 --> 불어요 --> 부세요 --> 부니까 --> 부는
울다 (cry) --> 웁니다 --> 울어요 --> 우세요 --> 우니까 --> 우는
길다 (long) --> 깁니다 --> 길어요 --> 기세요 --> 기니까 --> 긴
가늘다 (thin) --> 가늡니다 --> 가늘어요 --> 가느세요 -->가느니까 --> 가느
힘들다 (tired) -->힘듭니다 --> 힘들어요 --> 힘드니까 --> 힘든

백화점이 몇 시에 여는지 알고 싶어요.
I want to know what time the department store opens.

우리 집은 머니까 학교 다니기 힘들어요.
Our house is far from school  so it's hard to commute.

용산에서 전자 제품을 싸게 파니까 한 번에 가 보세요.
Since they sell electronics cheap in Yongsan, you should go there once.

질문이 있으면 손을 드세요.
If you have a questions, please raise your hand.

저는 학교 근처에서 삽니다.
I am living nearby the school.

7. 르-irregular 

- Irregular verbs and adjectives ending with 르, the ㅡ of 르 is omitted and an additional ㄹ is added to form ㄹ ㄹ

다르다 (different) -->다릅니다 -->달라요 --> 다르면 --> 달라서
빠르다 (fast) --> 빠릅니다 --> 빨라요 --> 빠르면 --> 빨라서
자르다 (cut) -->자릅니다 --> 잘라요 --> 자르면 --> 잘라서
모르다 (don't know) --> 모릅니다 --> 몰라요 --> 모르면 --> 몰라서
부르다 (call, sing) --> 부릅니다 -->불러요 --> 부르면 --> 불러서
기르다 (grow, raise) --> 기릅니다 --> 길러요 -->기르면 --> 길러서
누르다 (press) -->누릅니다 -->눌러요 --> 누르면 --> 눌러서
바르다 (paste) -->바릅니다 --> 발라요 --> 바르면 --> 발라서
마르다 (dry up) -->마릅니다 -->말라요 --> 마르면 -->말라서
나르다 (carry) -->나릅니다 --> 날라요 --> 나르면 --> 날라서
오르다 (go up) -->오릅니다 --> 올러요 --> 오르면 -->올러서
게으르다 (lazy) -->게으릅니다 --> 게을러요 --> 게으르면 --> 게을러서
서투르다 (unskillful) -->서투릅니다 --> 서툴러요 --> 서투르면 -->서툴러서
고르다 (choose) --> 고릅니다 --> 골러요 --> 고르면 --> 골러서

출근 시간에는 지하철이 버스보다 빨라요.
Subway is faster than bus during rush hour.

우리는 쌍둥이인데 얼굴이 안 닮았어요.
We are twins but we don't resemble each other.

배가 불러서 더 못 먹겠어요.
I am so full that I can't eat more.

버스 요금이 또 올랐어요.
The bus fare increased again.


Minggu, 04 April 2021

Korean ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ-irregular verbs and adjectives (Part 1)

Korean ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ-irregular verbs and adjectives (Part 1)

- Similar to English, Korean also has irregular verbs and adjectives.
- The regularity/irregularity depends on the stem of the verbs and adjectives that is subject to variation.
- Verbs and adjectives whose stem do not change, "regardless of the sound of the following suffix", are called regular verbs/adjectives
- Verbs and adjectives whose stem varies "depending on the sound of the following suffix" are called irregular verbs/adjectives.
- There are 7 irregular conjugations in Korean: ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅎ, 르, ㄹ, ㅡ
- In this lesson, we will focus on the 3 ㄷ-, ㅂ-, and ㅅ-irregular conjugations first. The remained 4 irregular conjugations can be found in the next lesson.

1. ㄷ-irregular --> ㄹ

- Irregular verbs ending in ㄷ, ㄷ --> ㄹ when followed by an ending that begins with a vowel.

묻다 (ask) --> 묻습니다 --> 물어요 --> 물으면
걷다 (walk) -->걷습니다 --> 걸어요 --> 걸으면
듣다 (listen) -->듣습니다 --> 들어요 --> 들으면
싣다 (load) --> 싣습니다 --> 실어요 --> 실으면
깨닫다 (realize) -->깨닫습니다 --> 깨달어요 --> 깨달으면

음악을 들으면서 운동해요.
I listen to music while playing sports.

그 여자에게 전화번호를 물어봤어요.
I asked that female for her phone number.

- Not all verbs ending in ㄷ are irregular. 

닫다 (close) --> 닫습니다 --> 닫아요 --> 닫으면
받다 (receive)--> 받습니다 --> 받아요 --> 받으면
믿다 (believe) -->믿습니다 --> 믿어요 --> 믿으면
얻다 (gain) --> 얻습니다 --> 얻어요 --> 얻으면

문을 좀 닫아 주세요.
Please close the door.

어제 택배물을 받았어요?
Did you receive the parcel yesterday?

그런 사람을 믿다니 내가 글렀어요.
It's my mistake that I trusted him.

2. ㅂ-irregular --> 오 or 우

- Irregular verbs/adjectives ending with ㅂ, ㅂ --> 오 or 우 when added to an ending that begins with a vowel. 돕다 and 곱다 are the only 2 words that changes to 오,  while all others change to 우.

쉽다 (easy) --> 쉽습니다 --> 쉬워요 --> 쉬우면
어렵다 (difficult) -->어렵습니다 --> 어려워요 --> 어려우면
맵다 (spicy) --> 맵습니다 --> 매워요 --> 매우면
덥다 (hot) --> 덥습니다 --> 더워요 -->더우면
춥다 (cold) -->춥습니다 --> 추워요 --> 추우면
무섭다 (scary) --> 무섭습니다 --> 무서워요 --> 무서우면
무겁다 (heavy) --> 무겁습니다 --> 무거워요 --> 무거우면
가볍다 (light) -->가볍습니다 --> 가벼워요 --> 가벼우면
밉다 (hateful) -->밉습니다 --> 미워요 --> 미우면
굽다 (roast) --> 굽습니다 --> 구워요 --> 구우면
눕다 (lie down) --> 눕습니다 --> 누워요 --> 누우면
그립다 (miss) --> 그립습니다 --> 그리워요 --> 그리우면
차갑다 (cold) --> 차갑습니다--> 차가워요 --> 차가우면
뜨겁다 (hot) --> 뜨겁습니다 --> 뜨거워요 --> 뜨거우면
싱겁다 (tasteless) --> 싱겁습니다 --> 싱거워요 -->싱거우면
아름답다 (beautiful) --> 아름답습니다 --> 아름다워요 --> 아름다우면
어둡다 (dark) --> 어둡습니다 --> 어두워요 --> 어두우면

*곱다 (lovely) --> 곱습니다 --> 고와요 --> 고우면 --> 고운
*돕다 (help) --> 돕습니다 --> 도와요 --> 도우면 --> 도운

날씨가 추워서 집에 있었어요.
It's cold outside so I stayed at home.

저는 매운 음식을 싫어해요.
I don't like spicy foods.

커피가 뜨거우니까 조심하세요.
The coffee is hot, please be careful.

여기서 보면 그 경치가 가장 아름다워요.
The view is the most beautiful from here.

- Not all verbs/adjectives ending with ㅂ are irregular 

입다 (wear)--> 입습니다 --> 입어요 --> 입으면
잡다 (catch) --> 잡습니다 --> 잡아요 --> 잡으면
좁다 (narrow) --> 좁습니다 --> 좁아요 --> 좁으면
접다 (fold) --> 접습니다 --> 접아요 --> 접으면
집다 (pick up) --> 집습니다 --> 집어요 --> 집으면
씹다 (chew) --> 씹습니다 --> 씹어요 --> 씹으면
뽑다 (select, hire) --> 뽑습니다 --> 뽑아요 --> 뽑으면

이 옷을 입어 보세요.
Try these clothes.

내 손을 잡아라.
Catch my hand.

집은 접지만 깨끗해요.
The house is small but clean.

우리는 50명의 신입 사원을 뽑을 예정이다
We are planning to hire 50 new employees.

3. ㅅ-irregular --> (omitted)

- Irregular verbs/adjectives ending with ㅅ, ㅅ is omitted when added to an ending that begins with a vowel.

잇다 (connect) --> 잇습니다 --> 이어요 --> 나아서 --> 이으면
낫다 (get better) --> 낫습니다 --> 나아요 --> 나아서 --> 나으면
붓다 (swell, pour) -->붓습니다 --> 부어요 --> 부어서 --> 부으면
긋다 (draw a line)-->긋습니다 --> 그어요 --> 그어서 --> 그으면
젓다 (stir) --> 젓습니다 --> 저어요 --> 저어서 --> 저으면
짓다 (build, write) --> 짓습니다 --> 지어요 --> 지어서 -->지으면

모기가 물어서 눈이 부었어요.
A mosquito bit me, so my eye became swollen.

컵에 커피와 크림, 설탕을 넣고 저어요.
I put coffee, cream, and sugar in the cup and stir it all together.

감기가 다 나았어요?
Did you get better from the cold?

이 노래를 누가 지었어요?
Who wrote this song?

동생이 이야기하면 친구들이 웃어요.
When my brother tells a story, his friends laugh.

- Not all verbs/adjectives ending with ㅅ are irregular. 

웃다 (laugh) --> 웃습니다 --> 웃어요 -->웃어서 --> 웃으면
씻다 (wash) --> 씻습니다 --> 씻어요 --> 씻어서 --> 씻으면
벗다 (take off) --> 벗습니다 --> 벗어요 --> 벗어서 --> 벗으면
빗다 (comb) --> 빗습니다 --> 빗어요 --> 빗어서 --> 빗으면
빼앗다 (take by force) --> 빼앗습니다 --> 빼앗어요 --> 빼앗으면

농담을 듣고 한바탕 크게 웃어요.
I have a good laugh at joke.

그 사람이 내 물건을 빼앗았어요.
He took my stuffs away.

밥 먹기 전에 손을 꼭 씻어야 해요.
You have to wash your hands before having a meal.
