Minggu, 28 Februari 2021

Sejong Korean Conversation 1-4 PDF (Private)

Sejong Korean Conversation PDF+Audio (Private Link)

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Textbook 3 PDF  +  Audio MP3

Textbook 4 PDF  +  Audio MP3

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Rabu, 24 Februari 2021

A/V-지요? grammar = isn't / don't /..., right? ~to confirm information

A/V-지요? grammar = isn't / don't /..., right? ~to confirm information

- To confirm with the listener something already known = isn't/ aren't / don't  / doesn't....

Present tense: A/V +지요?
크다 --> 크지요? 
먹다 --> 먹지요?
타다 --> 타지요?
끝다 --> 끝지요?
재미없다 --> 재미없지요?
학생이다 --> 학생이지요?

Past tense: A/V + 았/었지요?
먹다 --> 먹었지요?
가다 --> 갔지요?
얽다 --> 얽었지요?

Future tense: A/V + (으)ㄹ 거지요?
가다 --> 갈 거지요?
공부하다 --> 공부할 거지요?
이사하다 --> 이사할 거지요?
만들다 --> 만들 거지요?


1. 한국 사람이지요?
You're Korean, right?

2. 불고기가 맛있지요?
Isn't bulgogi delicious?

3. 지금 한국어를 공부하지요?
Aren't you studying Korean now?

4. 수지 씨가 정말 예쁘지요?
Suzy is really pretty, isn't she?

5. 오늘은 춥지요?
It's cold today, right?

6. 우리 강아지는 너무 귀엽지요?
Our dog is so cute, isn't it?

7. 우리 딸이 벌써 2살이 되었어요. 세월이 참 빠르지요?
- 네, 정말 세월이 빨라요.
Our daughter is already 2 years old. Doesn't time really fly by?
- Yes, time really does fly by.

8. 내일 파티에 참석할 거지요?
- 네, 파티에 꼭 참석하겠어요.
You will attend the party tomorrow, won't you?
- Yes, I will definitely attend the party.

9. 벌써 졸업했지요?
You already graduated, right?

10. 날 믿지요, 그쵸? 
You trust me, don’t you? 


Senin, 22 Februari 2021

V-는 데 걸리다/들다 grammar = take/ cost (time, money) to do something

V-는 데 걸리다/들다 grammar = take/cost (time, money) to do something

- To express how much money, time, effort involved in doing a task = take / cost (money, time) to do something
- V-는 데 걸리다 is used for time
- V-는 데 들다 is used for money

Word conversion
가다 --> 가는 데 걸리다  (take time to go)
짓다 --> 짓는 데 들다 (cost money to build)
읽다 --> 읽는 데 걸리다 (take time to read)
사다 --> 사는 데 들다 (cost money to buy)
치료하다 --> 치료하는 데 들다 (cost money to treat)
공부하다 --> 공부하는 데 걸리다 (take time to study)
*만들다 --> 만드는 걸리다 (take time to make)
*만들다 --> 만드는 들다 (cost money to make)

1. 운전을 배우는 데 한 달 걸렸어요.
It took me a month to learn to drive.

2. 집에서 학교끼지 걸어가는 데 10 분 정도 걸려요.
It takes me about 10 minutes to go from home to school.

3. 휴대폰을 고치는 데 10만 원쯤 들었어요.
It costs me 100k won to repair my phone.

4.머리를 자르는 데 1만원 들어요.
It costs 10,000 won to have a hair cut.

5. 지난 주에 이사했어요? 이사하는 데 얼마 들었어요?
- 50만원 들었어요.
Did you move last week? How much did it cost to move?
- It cost 500k won.

6. 여기에서 우체국까지 가는 데 얼마나 걸려요?
- 버스로 가면 20분 걸려요.
How long does it take to go to post office from here?
- If you go by bus, it takes 20 minutes.

7. 이 스마트폰을 사는 데 70만 원 들어요.
It costs 700k won to buy this smartphone.

8. 이 책을 읽어 끝내는 데 1주일 걸려요.
It takes a week to finish reading this book.

9. 이를 치료하는 데 보통 5만 원쯤 들어요.
It usually costs about 50,000 won to treat your teeth.

10. 빵을 만드는 데 3 시간 정도 걸려요. 
It takes about 3 hours to make bread.


Vitamin Korean 1-6 Textbook +MP3

Vitamin Korean (비타민 한국어)
is a Korean language book series that enables you understand and communicate Korean language accurately with various information and knowledge from diverse era. It helps students to quickly and easily learn about daily life, situations, and language functions. 

Vitamin Korean composes of 6 volumes:

Vitamin Korean 1 and 2 for beginners who are starting to learn Korean. You can learn basic Korean structure and expressions as well as basic Korean communication skills.

Vitamin Korean 3 and 4 for intermediate students who have finished the basic course and moved to the intermediate level. 

Vitamin Korean 5 and 6 for advance students who are ready for intensive training in advance level.

Vitamin Korean is available in various online bookstores with 10% discounts such as Coupang and  Gmarket

You may also find its ebook version from different sources (PDF+Audio)

Here we collected the ebook and audio from those sources. 

You can get the copies of the book at: Vitamin Korean Textbook PDF +Audio


Sabtu, 20 Februari 2021

-ㄴ/은/는지 + V grammar = V + who/what/where/how/when +clause

-ㄴ/은/는지 +V grammar = know/teach/show... + who/what/where/how/when

- ㄴ/은/는지 is a connective ending used when connecting a clause requiring additional information to the followed verb (V)= who/what/where/how/when +clause

-ㄴ/은/는지 generally precedes the following verbs:

+ 알다 (to know) :  ㄴ/은/는지 알다 
+ 모르다 (not to know)  :  ㄴ/은/는지 모르다 
+ 궁금하다 (to curious about) :  ㄴ/은/는지 궁금하다 
+ 질문하다 (to ask a question)  :  ㄴ/은/는지 질문하다 
+ 조사하다 (to investigate)  :  ㄴ/은/는지 조사하다 
+ 알아보다 (to look into)  :  ㄴ/은/는지 알아보다 
+ 생각하다 (to recall)  :   ㄴ/은/는지 생각하다 
+ 말하다 (to speak)  :  ㄴ/은/는지 말하다  
+ 가르치다 (to teach)  :  ㄴ/은/는지 가르치다 

- The grammar can also be used in these forms:
(i) Verb 1-(으)ㄴ/는지 Verb 2-(으)ㄴ/는지
(ii) Verb 1-(으)ㄴ/는지 안 Verb 1-(으)ㄴ/는지


1) Adjective
Present tense  + ㄴ/은지
크다 -> 큰지, 이다 -> 인지
적다 -> 적은지, 많다 -> 많은지

Past tense + 았/었는지
의사이다 -> 의사였는지, 학생이다 -> 학생이었는지

2) Verb
Present tense + 는지
가다 -> 가는지, 먹다 -> 먹는지

Past tense + 았/었는지
가다 -> 갔는지, 보다 -> 봤는지

Future tense + ㄹ/을 건지
가다 -> 갈 건지, 먹다 -> 먹을 건지

1. Kaist에 어떻게 가는지 알아요?
Do you know how to go to Kaist?

2. Kaist에 어떻게 가는지 가르쳐 주세요.
Please teach me how to go to Kaist.

3. 저 사람이 누구인지 모르겠어요.
I don't know who that person is.

4. 어제 무엇을 했는지 생각 안 나요.
I can't remember what I did yesterday.

5. 그 사람이 어느 나라 사람인지 알아요?
Do you know which country that person is from?

6. 내일 날씨가 좋은지 나쁜지 알아요?
Do you know whether tomorrow's weather is good or bad?

7. 우리 딸이 방에서 자는지 공부하는지 모르겠어요.
I don't know if our daughter is sleeping or studying in her room.

8. 우리 딸이 공부 하는지 안 하는지 모르겠어요.
I don't know if our daughter is studying or not.

9. 여자 친구가 있는지 없는지 궁금해요.
I am curious whether you have a girlfriend or not.

10. 제 여자친구가 누구인지 궁금하지 않아요?
Aren’t you curious who my girlfriend is?


Selasa, 16 Februari 2021

56 Learning Korean Lessons PDF eBook by KCenter

Learning Korean Lessons PDF eBook is a set of 56 lessons published monthly on The National Institute of The Korean Language during the period of 2016 - 2020. 

Each lesson is structured with a conversation, grammar, practice, and culture explain. 

These lessons are free to access and download from Center for Teaching and Studying Korean (한국어교수학습샘터). 

You can download the ebook here: 

Learning Korean Lessons PDF eBook by KCenter 

Book contents:

1. 새해 복 많이 받으세요 | Happy new year

2. 한국어로 숙제하기가 힘들지요? | Doing your homework in Korean in hard, isn't it?

3. 저는 영화 보는 것을 좋아해요. |  I like watching movies.

4. 이번 제 생일에는 집에서 파티를 할까 해요. | I am thinking of throwing a birthday party at my home.

5. 박물관에서는 사진을 찍으면 안 돼요. | Taking photos is prohibited in the museum.

6. 날씨와 계절 | Weather and seasons

7. 한국에 오기 전에 태권도를 배웠어요? | Did you practice taekwondo before coming to Korea?

8. 한국의 명절  -추석| Korean Holidays - Chuseok

9. 한국어를 적는 글, 한글 | Hangeul: The Korean Alphabet

10. 한국에 온 지 일 년 되었어요. | It's been a year since I came to Korea

11. 가족이 몇 명이에요? | How many people are in your family?

12. 창문이 크거나 방이 밝았으면 좋겠어요. | I like bigger window or a brighter room.

13. 김 선생님 계세요? | Excuse me, is Mr. Kim in?

14. 올해 무엇을 결심했어요? | What have you decided to do this year?

15. 어떤 습관을 가지고 있어요? | What are your habits?

16. 친구 집에 갈 때 뭘 가지고 가면 좋아요? | What should I bring to my friend's house?

17. 여행 춘비는 잘 하고 있어요? | Are you ready  for your upcoming trip?

18. 한국의 문화와 여려분 나라의 문화는 어떻게 달라요? | How is your culture different from Korean culture?

19. 한국에서는 더울 때 어떤 음식을 먹는지 아세요? | Do you know what Koreans like to eat on hot summer days?

20. 결혼식에 갈 때 무엇을 준비할까요? | What should I bring to a wedding?

21. 한국에서는 추석 연휴를 어떻게 보내는지 아세요? | Do you know how people spend the Chuseok holiday in Korea?

22. 한국에서 어디에 가 본 적이 있어요? | Where have you been in Korea?

23. 시험 보는 친구에게 무엇을 선물하는 것이 좋아요? | What should I give a friend who is going to take an exam?

24. 2월에 평창으로 갈까요? | Shall we visit Pyeongchang in February?

25. 새해 복 많이 받으세요 | May you receive a lot of luck in the new year

26. 벚꽃 축제에 가다면서요? | I heard you were going to the cherry blossom festival

27. 한국의 전통 시장에 가 보셨어요? |  Have you been to Korea's traditional markets?

28. 한국의 민속놀이를 해 보셨어요? | Have you played traditional Korean folk games before?

29. 한옥 마을에 가본 적이 있어요? | Have you been to a Hanok village?

30. 한국에서 유명한 축제가 뭐예요? | What are some famous Korea festivals?

31. 한국에서 야구장에서  가 보셨어요? | Have you ever been to a baseball game in Korea?

32. 가을이니까 단풍놀이 갈까요? | As it's fall, would you like to go see the maple trees?

33. 아기 돌잔치에 갔다 왔어요! | I went to a baby's first birthday party!

34. 친구하고 한식을 먹기로 했어요! | I have plans to eat Hansik with my friend!

35. 같이 해돋이 보러 가요! | Let's go see the sunrise together!

36. 김치를 만들어 본 적이 있으세요? | Have you made kimchi before?

37. 한국어의 인사 표현은 무엇이 있어요? |  How do you greet someone in Korean?

38. 생일 축하 인사는 어떻게 할까요? | How do you say happy birthday in Korean?

39. 어떻게 사과해요? | How do you apologize in Korean?

40. 감사 인사를 어떻게 해요? | How do you express gratitude in Korean?

41. 식사할 때 어떻게 인사해요? | What do you say when eating?

42. 여름휴가는 어디로 가려고 해요? | Where are you going for summer vacation?

43. 삼계탕 먹으러 같이 갈래요? | Shall we go eat samgyetang?

44. 추석 어떻게 보낼 거에요? | What are you doing for Chuseok?

45. 한글이 만들이지기 전까지 한국에는 글자가 잆었나요? | Before Hangeul was created, did Korea have an alphabet?

46. 찹쌀떡이나 엿을 주면서 합격을 기원해요. | I give you sticky rice cake or traditional taffy to wish you luck in passing your test.

47. 한국에서 크리스마스는 공휴일이에요. | Christmas is a public holiday in Korea.

48. 붕어빵은 겨울에 먹어야 제맛이에요. | Fish-shaped pastry tastes best in winter.

49. 가까운 친구 사이에는 말을 놓더라고요. | I heard close friends use casual language.

50. 배달 서비스가 편리하고 좋다. | Delivery service is convenient and nice.

51. 한복을 빌려주는 가게가 있어요. |  There's a Hanbok rental store.

52. 커피를 줄여 보는 게 어때요? | How about reducing your coffee intake?

53. 방을 예약할 수 있을까요? | I'd like to reserve a room. 

54. 이건 집들이 선물이에요. | This is a housewarming gift.

55. 경복궁역에서 내리세요. | Get off at Gyeongbokgung palace station. 

56. 내년은 소띠 해예요. |  The upcoming year is a year of the cow.


Sabtu, 13 Februari 2021

V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another

V-게 되다 grammar = became, came to, been decided ~express a change from one state to another

- Express a change from one state to another, regardless of the will of the subject = became, came to do/be something, been decided

Word conversion:
Verb 게 + 되었어요
가다 --> 가게 되었어요
보다 --> 보게 되었어요
마시다 -->마시게 되었어요
살다 --> 살게 되었어요
먹다 --> 먹게 되었어요
알다 --> 알게 되었어요

1. 요리를 잘하게 되었어요.
I became good at cooking.

2. 축구를 좋아하게 되었어요.
I came to like football.

3. 외국으로 출장을 가게 됐어요.
(It's been decided) I will go abroad on a business trip.

4. 옛날에는 축구를 싫는데 남자 친국가 생기고 나서부터 축구를 좋아하게 되었어요.
I used to dislike football, but after dating with my boyfriend, I came to like football.

5. 출장을 가기 싫었는데 사장님의 명령 떼문에 출장을 가게 되었어요.
I didn't want to go on business trip, but it's my boss order, so I had to go.

6. 술을 잘 마셨는데 결혼 후에는 술을 안 마시게 되었어요.
I used to drink alcohol well, but after getting married, I came to not drink alcohol.

7. 아이를 낳은 후에 일찍 자게 되었어요.
After having a baby, I came to sleep early.

8. 한국 드라마를 많이 본 후에 한국어를 좋아하게 되었어요.
After watching many Korean dramas, I came to like Korean.

9. 직장 때문에 내년부터 2년 동안 서울에 살게 되었어요. (It has been decided) I will live in Seoul for 2 years from next year because of my job.

10. 코로나 바이러스 때문에 많은 식당이 문을 닫게 되었어요. Many restaurants came to close because of Covid19.


Selasa, 09 Februari 2021

A-아/어지다 = to get/become ~express a change over time

A-아/어지다 = to get/become A ~express a change over time

General usage
- Express a change in state over time = to get/become A

좋다 --> 좋아지다 (to become good)
따뜻하다 --> 따뜻해지다 ( to become warm)
길다 --> 길어지다 ( to become long)
*다르다 --> 달라지다 (to become different)
*빨갛다 --> 빨개지다 (to become red)
*덥다 --> 더워지다 (to become hot)

Specific usage:
1. This expression is only used with adjectives (A-아/어지다). In case of verbs, V-게 되다 is used instead.

2. The past tense 아/어졌어요 expresses a change resulting from an action in the past while the present tense 아/어지다 is used to describe a change that generally occurs when a particular action is performed.

케이크를 많이 먹어서 뚱뚱해졌어요.
I ate a lot of cake, so I have become fat.

케이크를 많이 먹으면 뚱뚱해져요.
If you eat a lot of cake  you will become fat.

3. V-아/어지다 (= to get V-ed) is also used as a passive form, not to express a change over time. )See V-아/어지다 grammar.)

1. 풍건이 커졌어요.
The balloon became bigger.

2. 다이어트를 한 후에 날씬해졌어요.
After having diet, I have become thin.

3. 매일 운동하면 건강이 좋아져요.
If you exercise everyday, you will become healthy.

4. 피노키오는 거짓말을 하면 코가 길어져요.
Pinocchio's nose grows longer when he tells a lie.

5. 아이가 였을 때 몸이 약했는데 지금은 건강해져요.
I was weak at when I was a child, but now I have become healthy.

6. 가을이 되어서 날씨가 시원해져요.
When autumn comes, weather becomes cooler.

7. 회사가 멀어요?
- 옛날에는 멀었는데 이사해서 가까워졌어요.
Is your company far away?
- It used to be, but I have moved so it has become closer.

8. 날씨가 많이 추워요?
- 비가 오고 나서 추워졌어요.
Is the weather really cold?
- After the rain, the weather got cold.

9. 난 그가 나를 보는 매 순간 얼굴이 빨개졌다. 
I get blushed every time he looked at me.


Rabu, 03 Februari 2021

KIIP Test Sample PDF Level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

All KIIP Test Sample Level 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  | Tổng hợp đề thi KIIP các cấp độ 

0. KIIP Level Test PDF + Answer | Đề thi phân lớp KIIP (사전평가)
KIIP Level Test
KIIP attendants can get their proper level assigned based on the level test results as follows:
0 - 3 points      --> KIIP level 0 class
4 - 19 points    --> KIIP level 1 class
20 - 39 points  --> KIIP level 2 class
40 - 59 points  --> KIIP level 3 class
60 - 79 points  --> KIIP level 4 class
80 - 100 points--> KIIP level 5 class
*If your speaking test score is 3 or below, your assigned level is '0 - zero' regardless of paper test score
*85+ points --> You can skip to take KIIP class and take the comprehensive exam (종합평가) at once.

1. KIIP Level 1 Test Sample PDF | Đề Thi lớp KIIP 1 (1단계 평가)
KIIP Level 1 Test
Once you finish the KIIP level 1 class, you have to take this test to advance to the next level class. The test has 2 sections: paper test and speaking test. The pass score is 60 points.

2. KIIP Level 2 Test Sample PDF | Đề Thi lớp KIIP 2 (2단계 평가)
KIIP Level 2 Test
When you finish the KIIP level 2 class, you have to take this test to advance to the level 3 class. The test also composes of 2 sections: paper test and speaking test. The pass score is 60 points.

3. KIIP Level 3 Test Samples PDF | Đề Thi lớp KIIP 3 (3단계 평가)
KIIP Level 3 Test
The KIIP level 3 class also composes of paper test and speaking test with pass score of 60 points.

For better preparation, practice tests of both paper and speaking sections are also included.

4. KIIP Level 4 Test Samples PDF | Đề Thi lớp KIIP 4 (중간평가)
KIIP Level 4 Test
KIIP Level 4 Test, also called KIIP Mid-term Test, is designed to evaluated your performance after taking the KIIP language program. It is one of the milestones that you have to achieve in order to advance to the Korean society and culture class (Level 5). By passing the level 4 class, you will get a pass certificate for completing the KIIP language program.

For better preparation, KIIP Level 4 practice tests are also included.

5. KIIP Level 5 Test Samples PDF | Đề thi lớp KIIP 5 (종합평가)
KIIP Level 5 Test
KIIP Level 5 Test, also called KIIP comprehensive exam, is a language test required for foreigners living in Korea to obtain permanent VISAs or Korean citizenship. There are 2 kind of tests depending on the purpose of test-takers: (1) KIIP Level 5 Test for F5 VISA (영주용 종합평가) for persons who wish to acquire permanent residence Visa F5 (영주권 사증) - 50 hours course. (2) KIIP Level 5 Test for Korean citizenship (귀화용 종합평가) for persons who wish to acquire Korean citizenship (대한민국 국적취득) - 70 hours course.

For better preparation, KIIP Level 5 practice tests (quiz + writing + speaking) are also included.

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Senin, 01 Februari 2021

Sejong Korean 0-8 PDF Textbook+ Workbook+ Audio

Sejong Korean (세종 한국어) is Korean language textbook series for Korean learners written by King Sejong Institute, a national brand of Korean language and culture. There are currently over 160 Sejeong hakdang offices in 56 countries over the world.

The book series cover all four aspects of Korean communication methods including speaking, listening, reading and writing.

The book series is divided into 9 volumes for all levels from beginner to advanced learners.

Sejong Korean elementary (세종한국어 입문): a textbook that makes easy and fun to learn Hangul vowels and consonants and various elementary Korean expression

Sejong Korean 1-8 (세종한국어 1-8): a comprehensive Korean language book series for all learners wish to study Korean and improve their Korean skills

You may get free copies of the books in PDF and MP3 at: 

Sejong Korean are free of charge and can be accessed online at the official site in view mode only. You also need to sign up to access the materials.

Sejong Korean 1 and Sejong Korean 2

Sejong Korean 1 and 2 are designed for beginner level. Only the 2 books are available in bilingual Korean-English language. It also includes Sejong Korean Workbook 1 and 2 to help learners to practice and strengthen their Korean skills.

Sejong Korean 3 and Sejong Korean 4

Sejong Korean 3 and 4 are designed for intermediate level. From level 3 book, all book contents are written in Korean. It also includes Sejong Korean Workbook 3 and 4 to help learners to practice and strengthen their Korean skills.

Sejong Korean 5 and Sejong Korean 6

Sejong Korean 5 and 6 are designed for upper-intermediate level. From level 5 book, no workbook is no longer provided. 

Sejong Korean 7 and Sejong Korean 8

Sejong Korean 7 and 8 are designed for advance level. By completing the whole Sejong Korean book series, you can confidently live and work in Korea without any language barriers.

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