Sabtu, 29 September 2018

KIIP Level 3 Grammars Review - by Korean TOPIK

KIIP 3 Grammars Review:

Click on each corresponding grammar to see more details.  Note: N = noun , V = verb, A = adjective

Xem giải thích ngữ pháp bằng tiếng Việt ở đây: Tổng hợp ngữ pháp lớp KIIP 3 Trung Cấp 2 - Korean TOPIK

11 V/A-잖아요 grammar = (1) state or remind something that the listener already knew or possibly forget = as you know...; (2) scold the listener for not following an advice or allowing something bad to happen after warned = didn’t I told you that...

제가 필리핀에서 왔잖아요. 그래서 마닐라에 대해서 알아요. (1)
As you know I have come to Philippine. So I know well about Manila.

: 케이크는 샀어요?
: 오늘이 당신 생일이잖아요. (2)
A: Why do you buy the cake?
B: Didn't you know that today is your birthday.

12 V/A-기는요 grammar = Politely disagree with one's statement or compliment, so it expresses the speaker's modesty = not really

: 지금 너무 춥죠?
: 춥기는요. 다음 달에 기온이 낮아질 거예요.
A: It's so cold now, right?
B: Cold? Next month the temperature will be much lower.

21 V/A-()/ 알다/모르다 grammar = Express or ask whether one knows a certain fact or not = to know / don’t know...

아이들 간식으로 무엇이 좋은지 모르겠어요.
I don’t know what’s good for kid snacks.

영화가 시에 시작하는지 알아요?
Do you know what time will the movie start?

22 V/A-() 텐데 grammar = Express the speaker’s assumption or expectation about a future event in the 1st clause and provide the related information in the 2nd clause = should, suppose, would, could

일이 많아서 피곤할 텐데 빨리 쉬세요.
You would be tired because of a lot of work, so take a quick rest.

31 V- 느라고 grammar = Give a reason for a negative consequence = because...(negative consequence)

보고서를 쓰느라고 3 밤을 못잤어요.
Because of writing report, I could’t sleep 3 nights.

32 V- 동안 grammar = Indicate the time duration when a certain action begins and lasts until it ends = ‘during/ for’ or ‘while’

아이가 자는 동안 음식을 만들었어요.
I made some food while my child was sleeping.

41 V/A-아도/어도 grammar = Express that the action in the 1st clause wouldn’t affect the 2nd clause even if the action in the 1st clause would happen. = even if, even though…

저는 늦게 자도 6시에는 일어나요.
I wake up exactly at 6 o’clock even if I sleep late.

42 V-자마자 grammar = Indicate that the 2nd clause occurs immediately right after the end of the action in the 1st clause = right after, as soon as

남편은 집에 오자마자 텔레비전부터 켜요.
My husband turns on the TV as soon as he gets home.

51 V-()려면 grammar = Express a plan or intention to do something (1st clause) with the condition required to fulfill the plan or intention (2nd clause) = if you intend to...

주말에 식당에서 밥을 먹으려면 예약을 해야 돼요.
If you want to eat in that restaurant in weekend, you should book in advance.

52 V-()ㄹ래요 grammar = (1-question form) Asking for listener’s preference or gently making a request = do you want to…? , how about…? (2-statement form) Express that the speaker has the will or intention to do something = be going to, will...

저는 커피를 마실래요. 씨는요? (1)
- 저는 아이스크림을 먹을래요. (2)
I am going to drink coffee. How about you, Kun?
- I will have icecream.

61 V/A-() 수밖에 없다grammar = Indicate that the subject has no choice but to do the preceding action or to be in the preceding state = to have no choice but...

현금이 없어서 카드로 계산 수밖에 없었다.
Since I don’t have cash, I have no choice but to pay by card.

62 V- 기가 무섭게 grammar = Emphasize something occurs immediately right after the end of an action or event = as soon as, right after

수업이 끝나기가 무섭게 학생들이 밖으로 나갔어요.
As soon as the class finished, students went out.

71 A-() 가요? / V- 나요? grammar = Used to politely and gently ask someone a question for something you are not sure or don’t know = is it...? are you...? do you...?

영화제가 언제 시작하나요?
- 이번 토요일에 시작합니다.
When does the film festival start?
- It starts on this Saturday.

72 V-() 만하다grammar = Indicate something worth doing, even if the it is not satisfied completely by the speaker, it is still worth doing = be worth doing, deserve

김치를 처음 봤어요? 맛이 어땠어요?
- 아주 맛있지는 않지만 먹을 만했어요.
Did you try to eat kimchi the 1st time? How was the taste?
- It’s not so tasty but worth to try.

81 V-() () grammar = Indicate an action occurs (2nd clause) while maintaining the state of a situation (1st clause) = while (still) doing...

어젯밤에 드라마를 보다가 텔레비전을 놓은 채로 잠이 들었다.
I watched the drama last night and fell sleeping while keeping the TV on.

82 V-/ 버리다 grammar = express speaker’s feeling to a completed event, i.e. a happy feeling about finally completing a task or getting rid of a burden OR a sad feeling that something completed in an unexpected way.

휴대폰을 떨어뜨려서 액정이 깨져 버렸다.
I dropped my cellphone and its screen got broken.

91 V/A-더라고요 grammar = express the speaker’s recollection about something that he/she directly saw, heard, or felt = I directly saw, heard, felt ....

어제 연극 어땠어요?
- 재미있었어요. 배우들이 연기를 잘하더라고요.
How was the play yesterday?
- It was interesting. The actors were very good at acting.

92 V-() 그랬다grammar = express speaker’s regret about something better than what was actually done = I should/would have

그렇게 물을 마셔요?
- 비빔밥이 너무 매워서요. 고추장을 조금만 넣을 그랬어요.
Why do you drink like that?
- Because the pipimpap is so spicy. I would put a little pepper paste.

111 V/A- grammar = Use to recollect a repeated behavior or habit in the past = be used to

이것은 고향에서 어렸을 때부더 만들어 먹던 음식이에요.
This is the food that I used to make since I was young in my hometown.

112 V- 위해서/ N 위해서 grammar = Express that the speaker does an action for the sake of something = for (the sake of), in order to

고향에 돌아가서 자영업을 하기 위해서 일을 열심히 배우고 있습니다.
I am learning hard to go back my home country and do my own business.

121 V-() grammar = express speaker’s 2 or more intentions to do something = and also...

한국말도 배울 일도 해서 한국에 왔습니다.
I came to Korea to learn Korean and also work.

122 N-()라도 grammar = choose the 2nd best choice if the best isn’t available = even N , N or something

늦어서 미안해요. 많이 기다렸죠?
- 다음부터는 늦으면 전화이라도 하세요.
I am sorry for late. Did you wait long?
- Next time, if you are late, please at least call me.

131 V-/ 놓다 grammar = express that someone does something in advance for future use = advance/ beforehand

다음 달에 고향에 갔다 오려고 비행기 표를 예약해 놓았어요.
I plan to visit my hometown next month, so I have booked the air-ticket beforehand.

132 V/A-()/ 데다가 grammar = express that the contents in the 2nd clause is adding up to the 1st clause = not also... but also, additionally

제주도는 경치가 아름다운 데다가 맛있는 음식도 많아요.
Jeju island has beautiful scenery and also lots of delicious food.

141 피동사 grammar = V-/// irregular passive verbs

어제 창문을 열고 자서 모기한테 물렸어요.
Yesterday I opened the window and slept, so I was bit by mosquitoes.

기사님, 길은 항상 막히니까 다른 길로 주세요.
Excuse me, the street is constantly clogged, so please take another way.

142 V- / 있다 grammar = describing the continuation/state of an action after it is done. This grammar is often used with intransitive verbs such as 앉다, 눕다, 서다, 비다, 남다 and most of passive verbs V-///.

고양이가 의자에 앉아 있어요
A cat is sitting on the chair.

이번 금요일에 현장 체험을 가는 알죠?
- , 게시판에 붙어 있는 공지를 봤어요.
Do you know about the field trip this Friday?
- Yes, I saw the notice (sticked) on the board.

151 V/A-다고 하다 grammar = Use to retell what you have heard or read from someone/somewhere = I heard that, someone said that...

모임 시간은 토요일 오전 시라고 했어요.
He said the meeting is on Saturday at 10:00 a.m.

152 V/A-냐고 하다 grammar = Use to retell someone’s request or order = ...told/asked that ...

사장님이 저에게 언제 한국에 왔냐고 물어봤어요.
Director asked me when I came to Korea.

161 V/A-() 테니까 grammar = express the speaker's strong supposition (1st clause) and becomes a reason or condition for suggestion or advice (2nd clause) = will/

제가 밥을 테니까 커피를 사세요.
I will buy meals so please buy coffee.

162 V/A-/었던 grammar = recall a past event that has not continued to the present = used to…

지난번에 얘기했던 동호회에 가입했다.
I joined the club I talked about last time.

171 V/A-()/ 척하다 grammar = Indicate subject’s acting in a way contrary to reality = pretend to, act like

잠이 깼지만 너무 피곤해서 자는 척했어요.
I woke up but felt so tired that I acted like I was sleeping.

172 V-() 뻔하다 grammar = Indicate speaker’s relief about a past event that almost happened but did not = almost, nearly...

횡단보도에서 고개를 숙이고 걷다가 사고를 당할 뻔했어요.
While walking cross the road with my head down, I almost got into an accident.

181 V/A-()라고 하다 grammar = Use to retell a command or request of someone or yourself = (someone, I) told that

모금 운동에 참여해 달라고 거예요.
He told to run a fund-raising campaign for him.

182 V/A- 자고 하다 grammar = Use to retell a suggestion of someone or yourself = ... told that let’s

옆집 친구에게 같이 반상회에 같이 가자고 했어요. (“반상회에 같이 갑시다”)
I told my next-door friend let’s go to neighborhood meeting together.

191 V/A-()ㄹ까 grammar = express the speaker’s corresponding action in the worry or fear that a situation will occur or has occurred = be worried that, be afraid that

시간이 너무 늦어서 주무실까 전화를 했어요.
It is too late, I’m afraid that he/she has slept so that I couldn’t make a call.

192 V/A-() 정도로 grammar = indicate the action in the 2nd clause is being done or occuring to a degree that is described in the 1st clause = to the extent that

경치는 형용할 없을 정도로 아름답다.
The view is beautiful beyond all descriptions 

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