Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

L2G25 V-지 그래요? grammar = why not, why don't… ~suggest someone to do something

L2G25 V-지 그래요? grammar = why not, why don't… ~suggest someone to do something

- Use to suggest someone to do something.
- It is much weaker and softer than -도록 하다.

    - V-지 그래요?
1. 이 문법이 너무 어려워서 잘 모르겠어요.
    - 그럼, 선생님께 여쭤 보지 그래요?
This grammar is so difficult to understand.
    - Then, why not ask the teacher?
2. 옷을 샀는데 디자인이 맘에 안 들어요.
    - 그럼, 다른 옷으로 바꾸거나 환불을 하지 그래요?
I bought some clothes but I don't like the design.
    - Then, why don't you exchange for others or get your money back?
3. 휴대전화가 자꾸 고장이 나요.
    -- 자꾸 고장이 나면 수리만 하지 말고 새 걸로 바꾸지 그래요?
My phone is frequently broken.
    - If that’s so, then why not buy a new one instead of getting required?
4. 길이 너무 막혀서 약속 시간이 정각에 못 갈 것 같아요.
    - 그러면 약속을 연기하지 그래?
The traffic is so jammed that  I think I can’t go to the appointment on time.
    - Then why not delay the appointment.
5. 일을 많이 해서 너무 피곤해요.
    - 그럼, 잠깐이라도 좀 쉬지 그래요?
I do a lot of work, so I am very tired.
    - Then, why not take a rest for a while.
6. 국이 너무 싱거운데 소금이 없어요.
    - 그럼, 간장이라고 좀 넣어 그래요?
The soup is very bland, but there is no salt left.
    - Then, why not add some soybean sauce.
7. 여행용 가방을 사고 싶은데 어디에서 사는 게 좋아요?
    - 싸게 파는 가게가 많으니까 남대문시장에 가지 그래요?
I want to buy a travel backpack, which place is good for shopping?
    - Why not go to NamDaemun market since there are many shops selling cheaply.
8. 이 번 달 외식을 많이 했더니 용돈이 모자라요.
    - 그럼 부모님께 말씀을 드리지 그래요?
This month I ate out a lot, so I am lack of money.
    - Then why not talk to your parents.
9. 한국에 온 지 3년이 됐는데 아직도 한국말을 잘 못해요.
    - 그럼 한국 친구를 좀 사귀지 그래요?
I have come to Korea for 3 years but I couldn't speak Korean well.
    - Then why not date with a Korean friend.
10. 입맛이 없는데도 많이 먹었더니 속이 안 좋아요.
    - 아이고, 조금만 먹지 그래요?
Although there is no taste, I eat a lot so that I didn't feel well.
    - We'll,  why not eat a little?

Specific Usage:
1.  When stating a reason in the 1st clause, -(으)니까 is used, not -아/어서
E.g. 더우니까 창문을 열지 그래요?

2. -지 그랬어요? Is used to express one’s disapproval or regret about someone for not following a better choice.
E.g 아픈데 참으면서 계속 일을 한 거예요? 많이 아프면 좀 쉬지 그랬어요? -- Did you keep working even though you are in pain? If you are in that much pain, why didn't you take a rest?


Minggu, 26 Maret 2017

L2G24 V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure)… ~suggest or instruct sth to someone

L2G24 V-도록 하다 grammar = please (be sure)… ~suggest or instruct sth to someone

- Use to suggest or instruct something to someone.
- V-아/어 보세요  <  -도록 하다  <  -(으)세요.
- 긍정 : -도록 하다
- 부정 : -지 말도록 하다

1. 감기에 걸려서 열이 나고 머리도 아파요.
    - 약을 먹고 나서 며칠 동안 푹 쉬도록 하세요.
I caught a cold, so I have a fever and headache also.
    - Please take some medicine (so you will get better), and then get some good rest for a few days.
2. 약속 시간이 언제라고 하셨어요?
    - 다음 주 금요일 2시예요. 중요한 약속이니까 잊지 말도록 하세요.
When did you say the appointment was?
    - It's 2 o'clock next Friday.  It's an important appointment, so please don't forget it.
3. 건강에 안 좋으니까 담배를 끊도록 하세요.
Please stop smoking since it is not good for health.

4. 내일부터 학교에 지각하지 말도록 하세요.
Please don't be late to school starting from tomorrow.

5. 돈을 모으고 싶은데 어떻게 하면 좋은까요?
    - 조금씩이라도 매달 은행에 저축하도록 하세요.
I want to save money, what should I do?
    - Please make a small saving monthly at the bank.
6. 밤에 잠이 잘 안 와서 낮 시간에 피곤해요.
    - 낮잠을 자지 말도록 하세요.
I didn't sleep well at night so I was tired in the day time.
    - Please don't take a nap.
7. 또 실수를 해서 정말 미안해요.
    - 앞으로는 조심하도록 하세요.
I am really sorry since I made a mistake again.
    - Please be careful next time.

8. 이 보고서를 언제까지 끝내면 될까요?
    - 이 번 주말까지 제출하도록 하세요.
To when should I finish the report?
    - Please submit it until this weekend.

9. 근무 시간에는 사적인 통화를 하지 말도록 하세요.
During working hours, please don't make private calls.

10. 오늘 숙제하는 것을 잊지 말도록 하세요.
Please don't forget to do the today homework.

Specific usage:
1. Only used in imperative and proposition sentences. Can’t be preceded by -아/어서
E.g 기침이 심해서 약을 먹도록 하세요. (wrong) → 기침이 심하니까 약을 먹도록 하세요 (correct)

2. When instructed to do something, -도록 하겠습니다 can be used in the answer, meaning the listener will follow the instruction.

E.g 기말시험을 잘 봐야 진급할 수 있으니까 열심히 공부하도록 하세요.
    - 네, 열심히 공부하도록 하겠습니다.
You have to do well in the final exam to advance the next grade, so please study hard.
    - Yes, I will study hard.


Senin, 20 Maret 2017

L2G23 V-(으)ㄹ 만하다 grammar = be worth doing, deserve ~recommend sth to somebody

L2G23 -(으)ㄹ 만하다 grammar = be worth doing, deserve ~recommend sth to somebody

- Used to indicate something worth doing (= recommend something to someone else)
- Even if the speaker is not satisfied completely, it is still worth doing.


- 과거 : -(으)ㄹ 만했다
- 현재 : -(으)ㄹ 만하다
- 미래 : -(으)ㄹ 만할 것이다

1. 한국에서 가 볼 만한 곳을 좀 추천해 주시겠어요?
    - 설악산이 어때요? 지금 가을이라서 단풍이 정말 아름다울 거예요.
Can you recommend any places in Korea worth visiting?
    - How about Seoraksan mountain? Since it is autumn now, the fall foliage will be really beautiful.
2. 수지 씨가 만든 음식이 어땠어요?
    - 모두 맛있었지만 특지 김치찌개은 정말 먹을 만했어요.
How is the food Suzy made?
    - All foods were good, but her Kimchi stew is really worth trying.

3. 마리 씨는 믿을 만한 사람이니까 힘든 일이 있으면 부탁해 보세요.
Mary is trustworthy, so you can ask her to help when you have difficult tasks.

4. 그 일은 고생을 만한 가치가 없으니까 하지않는 게 좋겠어요.
That work is not worth the effort, so you shouldn't do it.

5. 재활용 센터에 가면 아직 쓸 만한 중고 가전제품이 많이 있습니다.
If you go the recycling center, there are a lot of usable used appliances.

6. 며칠 전에 만든 음식인데 아직 먹을 만한 것 같아요.
This food was made a few days ago, but it still seems edible.

7. 이 프로젝트에 앤디 씨를 참여시키면 어떨까요?
    - 앤디 씨는 성실해서 추천할 만한 사람이에요.
How about we let Andy to join this project?
    - Andy is sincere so he is worth to recommend.

8. 새로 개봉한 영화가 재미있다면서요?
    - 네, 정말 볼 만해요. 한번 보세요.
I heard that the newly open movie is interesting, right?
    - Yes, it is worth to see. You should see it.

9. 어디로 여행을 가면 좋을까요?
    - 제주도가 너무 예쁜 섬이라서 가 볼 만해요.
Where is the good place for traveling?
    - Jeju is a very beautiful island worth going.

10. 그 선생님은 상을 받을 만해요
That teacher deserves an award


Jumat, 17 Maret 2017

L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing

L2G22 V-아/어야지요 grammar = will do, have to do... ~express strong intention like a promise to oneself or decision to do thing

- Express speaker’s strong intention like a promise to oneself or a decision to do something.
- If speaking or thinking to oneself, informal form is used -아/어야지.
- Or scold someone for not doing something they should have. (-았/었어야지  is used)
- The shortened form -아/어야죠.
- 긍정: V-아/어야지요.     (positive form)
- 부정: V-지 말아야지요.     (negative form)

1. 고향 음식이 너무 먹고 싶다. 다음 방학에 가서 엄마가 해 주신 음식을 실컷 먹어야지.
I really miss my hometown foods. I will visit my hometown in the next vacation and stuff myself with mom’s cooking.

2. 작년에 교통 신호를 어겨서 벌금을 많이 냈지요?
    - 네, 올해부터는 교통신호를 잘 지켜야지요.
Last year you ran a traffic light and paid a big fine, right?
    - Yes, from this year I have got to obey traffic signals.

3. 그 영화가 너무 재미있다고 했어. 나도 봐야지.
I heard that the movie is very interesting. I 야ill have to see it, too.

4. 이렇게 자꾸 지각하면 큰일이야. 내일부터 절대 회사에 지각하지 말아야지.
I will be in a big trouble if I am often late like this. Starting from tomorrow, I won’t be late anymore.

5. 세미나가 꼭 가야돼?
    - 그럼요. 우리 선생님이 발표를 하시니까 꼭 가야지요.
Do we have to attend the seminar?
    - Of course, our teacher is giving a presentation, so we have to go.

6. 한국어로 내 의견을 잘 표현하고 싶어. 올해는 꼭 TOPIK 6급 시험에 합격하야지.
I really want to express my opinion well in Korean. This year I must pass the level 6 TOPIK exam.

7. 요즘 배가 많이 나왔네. 올해는 꼭 뱃살을 빼야지.
My belly became much bigger. This year I must reduce my belly weight.

8. 일이 잘 될 것 같지 않은데 시작했으니까 꼭 끝까지 해 봐야지.
The work is not going well, but I have started it, so I must do it until the end.

9. 나중에 새 공포 영화를 보지 말아야지.
Later, I won't watch horror movies anymore.

10. 몸이 안 좋으면 무리하지 말고 쉬었야지요.
If you weren’t feeling well, you should have rested instead of pushing yourself too hard.


Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

L2G21 V-(으)ㄹ 겸 -(으)ㄹ 겸/ N 겸 grammar = … and also…~express 2+ intentions to do something

L2G21 V-(으)ㄹ 겸 -(으)ㄹ 겸/ N 겸 grammar = … and also…~express 2+ intentions to do something

- Express speaker’s 2 or more intentions to do something.
- Mostly used in form N도 -(으)ㄹ 겸 N도 -(으)ㄹ 겸 (해서)
- The usage of 해서 following N도 -(으)ㄹ 겸 해서 means the speaker selects 1 intention among the others to do something.
    - V-(으)ㄹ 겸 -(ㅇ)ㄹ 겸
    - N 겸

1. 왜 한국에 왔어요?
    - 한국 친구도 사귈 겸 한국말도 배울 겸 한국에 왔어요.
Why did you come to Korea?
    - I came to Korea to make friends and also study Korean.
2. 요즘 태권도를 배우고 있어요?
    - 네, 운동도 할 겸 한국전통문화도 배울 겸 해서 배우고 있어요.
Are you learning taekwondo these days?
    - Yes, I am learning taekwondo to get some exercise and also learn about traditional Korean culture.
3. 책도 읽을 겸 공부도 할 겸 도서관에 가려고 해요.
I am planning to go to the library to read some books and also study.
4. 기분 전환도 할 겸 쇼핑도 할 겸 명동에 갔어요.
I went to Myeongdong to relax and also do some shopping.
5.  요즘 실도 뺄 겸 해서 운동을 하고 있어요.
I am doing exercise to lose some weight.
6. 용돈도 벌 겸 경험도 쌓을 겸 아르바이트를 하고 있어요.
I am doing a part-time job to get some experience and also have some spare money.
7. 이건 뭐예요?
    - 책상 겸 식탁으로 사용하는 거예요.
What is this?
    - I use it as a desk and dining table.
8. 잠도 깰 겸 잠깐 쉴 겸 해서 커피를 마시려고 합니다.
I drink coffee to have a short break and also break my sleep.
9. 백화점에 가려고 해요?
    - 네, 구경도 할 겸 친구 생일 선물도 살 겸 가려고 해요.
Are you planning to go to the department store?
    - Yes, I am going to go there to buy a birthday gift and have a look around.
10. 취직도 할 겸 소통도 할 겸 한국어를 공부하고 있어요.
I am studying Korean to communicate and also get a job.


Minggu, 12 Maret 2017

L2G20 V-(으)려던 참이다 grammar = was just about to ..., was in the middle of …

L2G20 V-(으)려던 참이다 grammar = was just about to ..., was in the middle of …

    - Express that the speaker is intending to do something being suggested or is just about to do it very soon.
    - V-(으)려던 참이다
1. 저 영화가 재미있다고 하는데 저 영화를 볼래요?
    - 좋아요. 그렇지 않아도 나도 보려던 참이었어요.
I heard the movie is interesting, so do you want to see it?
    - Sounds good. Even if you hadn't asked, I had been planning to see it anyway.
2. 뭘 하고 있어요?
    - 배가 고파서 라면을 끓이려던 참인데 같이 먹을래요?
What are you doing?
    I am hungry so I was just about to cook some noodles.  Do you want to have some together?
3. 얼굴 표정이 왜 그래요?
    - 피곤해서 잠깐 쉬려던 참인데 사장님이 들어오셔서 당황해서 그래요.
Why do you have such a surprised face?
    - I was tired and about to have a break, then the president came in and I was taken by surprise.
4. 수지 씨 뭐 하고 있어요?
    - 커피를 마시려던 참이었는데 같이 마실래요?
What are you doing Suzy?
    - I was just about to have some coffee,  so would you like to have some with me?
5. 더우니까 문을 좀 엽시다.
    - 렇지 않아도  문을 열려던 참이에요.
Let me open the door since it’s hot.
    - Even if you don’t say so, I am just about to open the door.
6. 시간이 없으니까 좀 서두릅시다.
    - 그렇지 않아도 지금 나가려던 참이에요.
I don’t have time, so let’s hurry.
    - Even if you don’t say so, I am just about to leave now.
7. 한국 요리를 배우려고 하는데 같이 배울까요?
    - 좋아요. 저도 한국 요리를 배워 보려던 참였어요.
I am planning to learn Korean cuisine, shall we learn together?
    - It’s great. I was also thinking about learning it.
8. 급한 일이 생겨서 약속을 미루려던 참였어요.
Since I have an urgent work, I was just about to postpone the appointment.

9. 버스를 타려던 참에 그를 만났다.
As I was just about to get on the bus, I met him.

10. 안 그래도 전화하려던 참이었어.
I was just about to call you anyway.

Specific usage:
1. -(으)려던 참이다 = the speaker was just about to do the action; -(으)려던 참이었다 = the speaker had already been intending to do the action.
E.g. 지금 그 책을 사려던 참이에요. -- I am just about to buy that book now. (at the moment of conversation)
그 책을 사려던 참이었어요. -- I was just about to buy that book. (before the time of conversation)

2. Phrase 마침, 그렇지 않아도, and 안 그래도 can be used with the expression to express that the speaker had already intended to do the action.
E.g. 같이 식사할래요? - 마침 밥을 먹으려던 참였어요.

3. -(으)려던 참에 is used when another clause is followed.
E.g. 내가 전화를 하려던 참에 어머니가 전화를 하셨어요. -- When I was about to make a phone call to my mother, I got a call from her.

Comparison between -(으)려고 하다 and -(으)려던 참이다
1. -(으)려고 하다 : action can be done from now (지금), near future (오늘, 오후), and distant further (담 달, 내년)
2. -(으)려던 참이다: action can be done from now (지금) and near future (오늘, 오후).
