Senin, 30 Januari 2017

L2G03 A/V/N-(으)ㄹ텐데 grammar= should, would, suppose…so/but...~express an expected future situation

L2G03 -(으)ㄹ 텐데 grammar = should, would, suppose, must be ….so/but....

- Equal to -(으)ㄹ 터이다 (future situation or intention) + -(으)ㄴ/는데 (related or contrary info)
- Use to express an expected or intended future situation.
- First clause gives an intention or expectation in a future event, second clause is either related or contrary to the 1st clause.
- Can use at the end of sentence -(으)ㄹ 텐데요 (= would, think that, suppose that) to express the speaker’s assumption.


Adjective/ Verb:
- 과거 : 았/었을 텐데
- 현재 : -(으)ㄹ 텐데
- 과거 : 였을 텐데
- 현재 : 일 텐데


1. 바람이 많이 부네요.
- 바람이 불면 추울 텐데 따뜻하게 입고 가는 게 좋겠어요.
It’s really windy.
- If it is windy, it should be cold, so It’s good to wear warm clothes when going out.

2. 밍 씨가 오늘 결혼식에 온대요?
- 모르겠어요. 벌써 청첩장을 받았을 텐데 연락이 없네요.
Did Minh say that he will go to the wedding ceremony today?
- I am not sure. He should have received the invitation card, but I haven't heard from him yet.

3. 오후에 택배가 하나 오는데 좀 받아 주세요.
- 오후에는 집에 없을 텐데 어떡하지요?
A delivery will come this afternoon, so please make sure you get it.
- I'm not supposed to be at home in the afternoon,  so what should we do?

4. 어제 야근 하느라고 많이 피곤했을 텐데 오늘은 일찍 들어가세요.
- 괜찮습니다. 오늘도 야근할 수 있습니다.
You would be exhausted after working late yesterday,  so please go home early today.
- It's Okey. I can work late today too.

5. 안나 씨에게 같이 여행 가자고 할까요?
- 안나 씨가 요즘 바쁠 텐데요.
Shall we ask Anna to go traveling together?
- I think Anna is busy these days.

6. 내가 돈이 있으면 그 것을 살 텐데.
If I had money, I would buy that.

7. 퇴근시간이라서 길이 막힐 텐데요.
The road would be jammed because it is rush hour.

8. 그 식당이 이미 닫았을 텐데 가지 말자.
The restaurant would be closed already, so let’s not go.

9. 일요일에는 집에 혼자 있으면 심심할 텐데 우리 집에 놀러 오세요.
In Sunday, it would be boring if you stay at home alone, so please come to play at our home.

10. 오늘이 동생 생일일 텐데 케이크를 먹었는지 모르겠다.
Today must be my younger sister's birthday, but I don't know whether she had a cake.

Comparison -(으)ㄴ데 vs -(으)ㄹ 텐데:

1. -(으)ㄴ데 : provide background info about the current topic or introduce information following in the next clause.
E.g : (지금) 비가 오는데 우산을 가져가세요. --- It’s raining (now), please bring an umbrella with you.

2. -(으)ㄹ 텐데 : express an expected or intended future situation.
E.g : (오후에) 비가 올 텐데 우산을 가져가세요. --- It is supposed to rain (in the afternoon), so please take an umbrella with you.


Sabtu, 28 Januari 2017

L2G02 A/V/N-(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 grammar = it seems, I guess...~guess a situation after observation

L2G02. -(으)ㄴ/는 모양이다 grammar = it seems, I guess that...~guess a situation after observation

- 모양 = "shape" or "appearance"
- Used to infer or guess a situation after observation (what did you see/hear?)
- Often used with ~(으)ㄴ/는 걸 보니까 earlier in the sentence and gives the reason for the inference or guess
- Not used for talking about yourself (you can't infer/guess about yourself)
- Not for subjective thoughts (use ~(으)ㄹ 것 같다 instead)


- 과거: ~았/었던 모양이다
- 현재: ~(으)ㄴ 모양이다
- 미래: ~(으)ㄹ 모양이다
- 과거: ~(으)ㄴ 모양이다
- 현재: ~는 모양이다
- 미래: ~(으)ㄹ 모양이다
- 과거: 였던/이였던 모양이다
- 현재: 인 모양이다


1. 밍 씨가 오늘 학교에 안 왔네요.
- 어제 몸이 안 좋다고 했는데 많이 아픈 모양이에요.
Minh didn’t come to school today.
- Yesterday she said that she didn’t feel well. It seems she gets sick badly.

2. 저기 안나 씨가 가네요!
- 등산복을 입은 걸 보니까 산에 가는 모양이에요.
It’s Anna over there.
- Seeing she is wearing the hiking clothes, it seems she’s heading to the mountain.

3. 나미 씨가 회사를 바꿨다면서요?
- 네, 회사 일이 정말 힘들었던 모양이에요.
I heard that Nami change the company?
- Yes, it seems that the work was really difficult for her.

4. 밍 씨가 아직 안 왔어요?
- 눈이 많이 오는 걸 보니까 길이 막힌 모양이에요.
Has Minh not come yet?
- Seeing it's heavily snowing, it seems the traffic is stuck.

5. 안나 씨가 방학에 뭐 하는지 아세요?
- 비행기 예매한 걸 보니까 고향에 갈 모양이에요.
Do you know what Anna is doing during vacation?
- Seeing she reserved for airplane ticket, it seems she is going to her hometown.

6. 나미 씨가 회의 시간 내내 시계를 보네요.
- 회사 시간 내내 시계를 보는 걸 보니까 약속이 있는 모양이에요.
Nami see her watch throughout the meeting time.
- Judging she sees her watch throughout the meeting time, I guess she has an appointment.

7. 밍 씨가 다음 주에 만나자고 해요.
- 다음 주에 만나자고 하는 걸 보니까 이번 주에 일이 많은 모양이에요.
Minh said let's meet in next week.
- Judging he said that let's meet in the next week, it seems he has a lot of work this week.

8. 나미 씨가 김밥을 자주 먹는 걸 보니 김밥을 좋아하는 모양이에요.
Seeing Nami often eats Kimpap, it seems she likes it.

9. 그 식당이 사람이 많네요.
- 사람이 많은 걸 보니 맛집인 모양이에요.
That restaurant has many guests.
- Seeing many guests, I guess that it is a good restaurant.

10. 똑똑한 걸 보니까 강사 이였던 모양이에요.
- Seeing he’s smart, I guessed he is a professor.


Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

L2G01 A-아/어 보이다 grammar = looks likes, seems like...~guess based on outward appearance

L2G01. A-아/어 보이다 grammar = looks likes, seems like...~guess based on outward appearance

- Used to convey one’s guess or feelings based on the outward appearance
- Used with adjectives only
- Equal to ~게 보이다


- Past (과거): ~아/어 보였다
- Present (현재): ~아/어 보이다
- Future (추측): ~아/어 보일 것이다


1. 밍 씨, 얼굴이 피곤해 보여요. 무슨 일 있어요?
- 어제 숙제하느라고 잠을 못 잤거든요.
Minh, you look tired. Did something happen?
- I wasn’t able to sleep yesterday because I was trying to finish my homework.

2. 안나 씨, 제가 머리 모양을 바꿨는데 어때요?
- 머리 모양을 바꾸니까 어려 보이네요.
Anna, I changed my hairstyle, how does it look?
- You look much younger now since you changed your hairstyle.

3. 이 음식은 많이 매워 보이는데 괜찮겠어요?
- 이제 매운 음식에 익숙해져서 괜찮아요.
This food looks really spicy, is it okey?
- I am used to spicy food by now, so I will be fine.

4. 그 옷을 입으니까 날씬해 보여요. (= 그 옷을 입으니까 날씬하게 보여요.)
You look slim since you wear those clothes.

5. 가방이 무거워 보이는데 들어 드릴까요?
- 보기보다 가벼우니까 괜찮아요.
The bag looks heavy, let me carry it.
- It’s lighter than looking, so I will be fine.

6. 지도에서는 가까워 보이는데 걸어갈까요?
- 보기보다 머니까 버스를 타는게 좋겠어요.
In the map, it looks near, so should we take a walk?
- It’s farther than looking, so it is better to take a bus.

7. 하늘색 남방이 빨간색 남방보다 더 시원해 보여요.
The blue-sky shirt looks cooler than the read shirt.

8. 왜, 지금 화나 보입니까?
Why do you look angry now?

9. 그 점심 음식은 맛있게 보였잖아요.
That lunch looked good.

10. 그녀는 아주 친절해 보여요.
She seems to be very kind.
