Minggu, 30 Juni 2019

Mastering Korean Writing Within A Month Intermediate I PDF (한국어 중급 1 쓰기 한달완성)

Mastering Korean Writing within a month Intermediate I (in Korean: 한국어 중급 1 쓰기 한달완성) is a textbook developed by Yonsei University to help Korean learners who have completed the beginner's course improve their writing ability in the intermediate level through various writing strategies to prepare for the TOPIK exam.

The book consists of 20 lessons with various tasks and activities in each lesson:

제1과 댓글을 남겨 주세요 / Please leave a comment
제2과 아침은 조금이라도 꼭 먹는다 / Eat breakfast even a little
제3과 반드시 손을 씻고 먹을 것 / Be sure to wash your hand before eating
제4과 이 기회를 놓치지 마세요 / Don't miss this chance
제5과 참석해 주시기 바랍니다. / Please attend
제6과 싸게 사려면 어디로 가야 하나요? / Where to go to buy cheap?
제7과 사랑하는 고모님께 / My dear aunt
제8과 쇠고기에다가 야채를 넣어서 잘 볶으세요 / Put vegetables in beef and stir-fry well
제9과 나라마다 그 나라를 상징하는 것이 있습니다./ Each country has its own symbol
제10과 요즘 사람들은 건강에 관심이 많다 / People are interested in health these days

제11과 보내 주신 메일을 잘 받았습니다 / I received the mail
제12과 한번 가 볼 만한 곳입니다. / A place worth to visit once
제13과 대체로 마음에 듭니다 / I generally like it
제14과 이 기사를 통해 새로운 사실을 알게 됐다 / I learnt something new from this article
제15과 그럴 땐 나처럼 노랠 불러 봐 / At such time, sing like I do
제16과 단오를 아십니까? / Do you know Dano?
제17과 바다를 보러 갔다 / I went to the sea
제18과 이 노래를 들려 주세요 / Please listen to the song
제19과 어찌나 감동적이었는지 눈물이 다 났다 / It was so touching that I cried
제20과 '우리'는 정말 좋은 말이다 / We're a really good word

Mastering Korean Writing Within A Month Intermediate I can be purchased online with a cheap price (~12000 won with applied coupon) at Gmarket if you want to have your own book.

You can get a free copy of the book at: 한국어 중급 1 쓰기 한달완성 PDF

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Jumat, 28 Juni 2019

Korean Writing within a month intermediate I PDF

Download Korean Writing within a month intermediate I PDF

Ebook PDF

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Sabtu, 22 Juni 2019

Mastering Korean Listening Within A Month Intermediate I PDF+Audio (한국어 중급 1 듣기 한달완성)

Mastering Korean Listening within a month Intermediate I (in Korean: 한국어 중급 1 듣기 한달완성) is a textbook developed to help Korean learners who have completed the beginner's course improve their listening ability in the intermediate level through various listening strategies, fingerprints, and conversations to prepare for the TOPIK test. In this book, various pictures and paintings are inserted to help Korean learners to understand and also have interest in the corresponding topic. The book consists of 20 lessons with various tasks and activities in each lesson.

Book contents:

제1과 독방은 하숙비가 얼마예요? / How much is the lodging fee?
제2과 이번에 대학에 입학한 신입생이에요./ I am a newcomer in this semester.
제3과 이야기하다가 친구가 됐어요. / We became friends after talking for a while.
제4과 차가 왜 이렇게 밀리지요? / Why is the road so congested?
제5과 2번 창구로 오십시오. /Please come to the window number 2.
제6과 즐거운 여행 되시기 바랍니다./ Have a joyful trip.
제7과 여러 나라 동전을 수집하고 있어요./ I am collecting coins from various countries.
제8과 인터넷으로 예매하고 극장에 가요./ I book the ticket in the Internet and go to the cinema.
제9과 저는 찜질방에 자주 가요. / I often go to the sauna.

제10과 이쪽에 있는 머리핀은 얼마예요?/ How much the hairpin over there?
제11과 피부가 좋아질 수 있을까요?/ Can it improve my skin?
제12과 TV로 영어 강의를 들어요. / I listen English lectures on TV.
제13과 저는 평소에 김밥을 즐겨 먹어요. / I enjoy to eat kimpap.
제14과 감기에 걸린 적이 거의 없어요./ I hardly caught a cold.
제15과 여보세요, 거기 119지요?/ Hello, is it 119?
제16과 결혼하고 싶은 생각이 별로 없어요./ I don't even  think of getting married.
제17과 일이 적성에 맞지 않아서 힘들어요./ It's hard because the work doesn't suit my aptitude.
제18과 오늘 2차는 어디로 갈까요?/ Where will we go in the 2nd round?
제19과 앞으로는 꼭 두 손으로 드릴게요./ In the next time, I will definitely give by using 2 hands.
제20과 세배할 줄 알아요?/ Do you know about New Year's bow?

You may get a free copy at: Korean Listening Intermediate PDF+Audio 

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Sabtu, 15 Juni 2019

Sejong Korean Conversation 1-4 PDF (CPR)

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Sejong Korean Conversation 1-4 PDF

Textbook 1 PDF (full)  + Audio

Textbook  2 PDF (full) + Audio

Textbook  3 PDF (full) + Audio

Textbook  4 PDF (full) + Audio

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Senin, 10 Juni 2019

Yonsei Korean PDF 1,2,3,4,5,6 Full+Audio (연세 한국어)

Yonsei Korean (연세 한국어) is written by Korean Language Institute of Yonsei University for foreigners and overseas Koreans to study Korean language and culture.

Yonsei Korean is aimed to developing communicative functions based on the learners' Korean ability.  They are an integrated collection of various tasks and activities, as well as focused practice of vocabulary and grammar. The activities enhance all four communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, which will enable learners to perform a wide range of communicative functions using the Koran language.

Yonsei Korean 1 and 2 are basic level textbooks for beginners. It is composed of 10 units. Each unit has 5 lessons. Its goal is to deepen learners understanding of Korean through essential vocabulary and grammar, as well as Korean culture.

Yonsei Korean 3 and 4 are intermediate level textbook. It is composed of 10 units with 5 lessons per unit. Each unit covers topics which an intermediate-learner has to know. Its goal is to deep the understanding about Korea through introducing essential vocab and grammar, as well as Korea culture.

Yonsei Korean 5 and 6 are advance level textbook. It is also contained of 10 units with 5 lessons per unit. Each unit covers topics which an advance-learner need to know, including essential grammar, vocub, Korean culture and way of thinking.

If you are living outside of Korea, you can buy the official printed textbook (student's book) and practice book online at Twochois. However, if you are living in Korea, it is better to buy the books at online Korean book stores for cheaper prices such as Gmarket.

The ebook version (PDF and Audio) of these textbooks is collected from different source in the Internet, so only textbooks and the corresponding audio are available.

You may get a free copy at: Yonsei Korean PDF Textbook 1,2,3,4,5,6 Full+Audio

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Minggu, 09 Juni 2019

KIIP Level 4 Test Samples PDF | Đề Thi lớp KIIP 4 (중간평가)

KIIP Level 4 Test (in Korean: 사회통합프로그램 4단계 중간평가) is the exam designed to evaluate your Korean proficiency after finishing the KIIP Korean class level 4.

KIIP Level 4 Test = quiz test (28 questions, 40 minutes, 70 points) + writing test (2 questions, 10 minutes, 5 points) + interview test (5 questions, 25 points)  | pass score = over 60 points

The KIIP Level 4 test is divided into 2 sections: paper test and interview test.

The paper test is composed of a quiz test with 28 questions and a writing test with 2 questions. The quiz test will cover all vocabulary, grammar, reading, and Korean culture  in the KIIP level 3 and level 4 books with a total score of 70 points in 40 minutes. That means you will get ~2.5 points for each correct answer. The writing test has 2 questions with a total score of 5 points and last for 10 minutes.

The interview test has 5 questions with a total score of 25 points (5 score/question). The interview topic is randomly selected from any lessons studied in the KIIP level 3 or 4 books. You will be given a test sheet with some pictures talking about one topic. The first 3 questions are related to the pictures. The 2 remaining questions are mostly about cultural understanding. During the interview test, you have to wait in turn, so it will take time if you are at the end of the interview list.

To pass the test, you must score at least 60 out of 100 points. However, if you fail the exam, there are 2 options:
- 1st: You can retake the test again until you pass, without the need of retaking the class.
- 2nd: You retake the class again and then retake the mid-term exam. If you score is over 40 point, you can advance to the Level 5. (This new policy is in effect from 2020)

Download KIIP 4 test sample   + KIIP 4 practice with 100 questions  + KIIP 4 Writing samples  + KIIP 4 Interview samples

Kỳ thi kết thúc lớp KIIP 4 (tiếng Hàn: 사회통합프로그램 중간평가) là kỳ thi đánh giá năng lực tiếng Hàn của bạn sau khi đã hoàn thành lớp KIIP 4 trung cấp 2.

Đề thi giữa giai đoạn được chia làm 2 phần: phần thi giấy và thi phỏng vấn

Kỳ thi giữa giai đoạn = 28 câu trắc nghiệm (40 phút, 70 điểm) + 2 câu viết (10 phút, 5 điểm) + 5 câu phỏng vấn (25 điểm). | trên 60 điểm thì đỗ.

Phần thi giấy gồm 2 phần: thi trắc nghiệm và thi viết. Thi trắc nghiệm gồm 28 câu hỏi, trong vòng 40 phút, với tổng điểm là 70 điểm, tức ~2.5 điểm cho mỗi câu trả lời đúng. Phần thi viết gồm 2 câu, trong 10 phút, với tổng 5 điểm. Nội dung của phần thi này bao gồm từ vựng, ngữ pháp, đọc hiểu, và văn hóa đã học ở lớp KIIP 3 trung cấp 1 và KIIP 4 trung cấp 2.

Phần thi phỏng vấn gồm 5 câu hỏi với tổng điểm là 25. Trong đó 3 câu đầu là xem ảnh và nói về nội dung liên quan đến ảnh. 2 câu còn lại được lựa chọn ngẫu nhiên trong các chủ đề đã học ở lớp KIIP 3 trung cấp 1 và KIIP 4 trung cấp 2.

Để vượt qua kỳ thi, bạn phải đạt được ít nhất 60 điểm trong tổng số 100 điểm.

Bạn có thể tải Đề thi kết thúc lớp KIIP 4  Đề ôn tập với 100 câu hỏi + 16 bài viết mẫu  + 5 bài thi phỏng vấn mẫu

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Minggu, 02 Juni 2019

Once upon a time in Korean PDF (Korean folktales for Elementary Readers)

Once upon a time in Korean (An Elementary Reader) is a Korean folktale book for people who want to enhance their language skills and also to develop their understanding of Korean culture.

Once upon a time in Korean is composed of Korean stories, legends, and folktales that are rewritten to suit beginner level students with simple sentence structures and everyday vocabulary while preserving the original meaning. By repeating the same simple sentence structures and vocabulary, students can enhance their language skills unconsciously. The vocabulary list and explanation of idioms make it easy for beginner level students to understand the stories.

This book features:
- Basic and everyday vocabulary
- Vocabulary list including verb tenses, stems, and idioms at the end of each story
- No exercise or drill to suit the reading purpose for pleasure
- Culture notes are included to help students understand Korean culture
- Can also be used to read for children

Once upon a time in Korea ebook is a scanned version of the printed book, which can be purchased online from Amazon.

You can get a free ebook copy at: Once upon a time in Korean PDF 
